My last cycle


New member

So it's been almost 3 months since my last cycle and I've had some time to reflect on it. Little bit of facts about me: I just turned 40, been lifting since i was 18, only done 2 cycles my entire life, prior to this cycle my last cycle was 10 years ago, I'm 6 feet tall, weigh 200lbs, body fat 9-10%.

My first cycle 10 years ago consisted of Test E and Masterone P. Since I got great results back then I decided to do the same thing again. This cycle I started with 500mg of Test Cyp a week for 12 weeks and Masterone P 400mg a week for 8 weeks.

As some of you may know, I had a couple of issues during my cycle that could of been easily prevented if i had done things correctly. First issue was gyno flared up and i didn't have any Arimadex on hand. Second issue which was much more serious was high blood pressure which started at around week 11, had to end my cycle early. Reason why my blood pressure spiked up was due to the Masterone P. I wasn't getting the results that i was expecting so I upped the Masterone from every other day to every day. Big mistake.

The thing that really has me confused is this. 10 years ago when i did the same cycle, i put on a lot of muscle fast and my strength went through the roof. I remember vividly that i was benching 405lb for 5 to 6 reps. During this last cycle, my strength slightly went up but no where near 405lbs, more like 315lbs for 4 to 5 reps. I don't get it????
For the last 4 years i been really training hard naturally and consistently. I feel like just before i started this cycle i had reached the peak of what i could achieve naturally. So i was expecting to put on a good 15 to 20 pounds of muscle and get really strong. But in reality i gained barley 5 pounds and got a little bit leaner. My diet was one point. I'm just sitting back here 3 months later trying to rap my head around this last cycle and see was it really worth it? Did i need to add more compounds to my cycle? Should of I just done a cycle of Test and Tren? The one thing that i do know is that i might have over trained. I was hitting the gym at least 6 days a week and training 2 body parts a day for almost most 2 hours.

I'd like to get some of your thoughts.....




I feel stupid second guessing your diet because it's quite obvious you look fantastic, and have been training for such a long time. Did you track your calories, and eat in a big enough surplus? The reason I ask though is because you said you got leaner, and you were very lean to begin with.

My next comment is not a guess, but fact. You said you had gyno issues which means your e2 was elevated, and out of control. Elevated e2 is a gains killer pure and simple. I've discussed elevated e2 on here before, and how it affects gains. Even for guys who are not e2 sensitive, and can tolerate e2 well without gyno sides hamper their gains when e2 goes over 80. 




New member

Thanks for the response Dolf.  My diet consisted of 350-400 grams of protein, 75-90 grams of fats and 300-400 grams of carbs.

I do agree with you on the E2 being elevated kills gains, it does make sense.  Which may be the reason why i didn't get much gains.  I am contemplating of doing another cycle.  I just don't know which compounds to go with.  What I'm looking to achieve is to just put on more size in my legs and chest and get even more leaner.  Any suggestions?





Me personally I'd break my goals down into two different cycles. The 1st cycle would focus on straight weight and strength gains, and the 2nd cycle would be a cutter.

How often are you willing to pin?

Are test and mast the only two compounds you have experience with? 

I also assume you're a pct guy...what did you do for pct?




BTW your high bp was due to elevated e2 which wasn't caused by the mast. If you had e2 issues while running mast which helps keep e2 down then it's very likely you're e2 sensitive like myself, and an ai is a must have for every cycle.  



New member

Pinning doesn't bother me, i can pin every day.  Yes test and mast are the only two compounds I've ever tried.

I just did nolva and clomid for pct.  100mg clomid for 2 weeks then 50mg for two weeks.  40mg nolva 2 weeks then 20mg for 2 weeks.



New member

When my blood pressure issues started to rise i pretty much had my e2 in check.  I was taking arimadex .5mg e3d.




Pct looks good brotha!

My suggestion for a good mass gainer without much water weight gain would be one of my favorite cycles.

Sust/npp or test p/npp with m/w/f pins. You will have to get an ai like adex or aro, and a da (dopamine agonist) like caber. Npp is a 19nor, and with you being e2 sensitive you are at greater risk for prolactin sides if e2 isn't controlled. Caber is for 19nor caused gyno (prolactin). I'd recommend adex at .5 eod starting at week 2 or 3. If this is something that sounds good we can work on laying out this cycle in detail. At your age the npp will also be therapeutic for your joints especially with heavy lifting.   




Mast isn't known for causing bp issues. Test, eq, npp, deca, and proviron are notorious for bp issues. My next guess would be high hematocrit  (rbc count) and a simple blood donation will fix that. 


Mister A


Hey, Balistic. Sorry to hear about the issues of your last cycle. Dialing in your gear protocol takes time and, unfortunately, learning from mishaps.

I agree with Dolf that your blood pressure woes weren't the result of the Mast, though it is possible it played a role. Everyone reacts differently. What kind of cycle support supplement were you using? With the proper supplements, you can keep your blood pressure in check throughout the cycle, unless you have a medical condition or hypertension runs in your family. I would ask you that first as hypertension is hereditary.

In regards to your lack of gains, e2 is a killer of gains. Your diet looked great (your numbers are the same as mine are currently!). The most important aspect of growth, however is getting enough sleep. So I'd ask you about your sleep on cycle.

Furthermore, it could be possible you're a hard gainer with a fast metabolism who's now in his 40s and the gains don't come like they did 10 years ago.

Another potential flaw in the cycle could have been under dosed gear, though with your gyno it would be hard to draw that conclusion.

I agree wholeheartedly with Dolf. I do not understand this new trend I'm seeing with people wanting to bulk during the first part of their cycle and "cut up a little" or "clean it up" with the last few weeks. Unless you are a true genetic freak, the best case scenario is 2 pounds of keepable muscle a month. Maybe 3 if you're really good at putting on size. If you're putting on 4 pounds of lean muscle a month, you might have a future in bodybuilding. For us average guys, 2 is a good number to shoot for. 16 week cycle; gain 20 pounds; come off; you're left with 8 pounds maybe 10.



New member

Thanks for the input Mister A.  Besides Adex and Nolva i wasn't using any cycle support.  I only added the Nolva for a couple of weeks when the gyno had gotten out of hand.  Is there any supplement that you can recommend to keep blood pressure in check?  

I'll try what Dolf says by donating some blood and hopefully that works if I have any issues.



New member

Thanks for the suggestion Dolf.  I did some research on Sust/NPP cycle.  Sounds like a good bulking cycle.  This time around i think i'd want to go with Aromasin over Adex.  I read that Aromasin is better in keeping cholesterol down as well.  The only thing that may worry me is that NPP is notorious for high blood pressure.  I was also thinking about Test400/NPP cycle as well, any thoughts on that over Sust/NPP?  




Balistic, I have to say that sust/npp was a favorite of mine. I wouldn't use Test 400 with Npp. Its better to pin sust or for me even better Prop. Pinned Mon,wed,fri. The Test 400 most likely will burn and give pip plus I like to run short esters together.. Ive seen different Test 400. some guys use 200mgs enanthate and 200 Cyp. Nothing wrong with it.....  Sust/Npp is a beautiful cycle and one of my most productive...


Mister A


There are a million cycle support supplements out there. You can find something that specifically targets your heart health with ingredients like CoQ10, Garlic, Alpha Lipoic Acid and Hawthorn Berry. The biggest force in heart health is going to be regulating your Omega 3-6-9 ratio, however.

I personally use Rich Piana's Liver and Organ Defender. I use it all year round whether blasting or cruising. It has really high dosages of everything and I can't find anything else that compares to the amount of ingredients. It has NAC and Milk Thistle in it and Saw Palmetto for prostate support. It has a couple things for skin health which I find super beneficial. I've stopped taking it for a few days and found my skin was oily and I'd start breaking out. I've taken it right before going to donate blood while on a gram of test and they said my blood pressure was too low to donate. I'm not a Rich Piana fan as I think he's basically lost his mind the last couple years, but I've been using this product for 2 years and never had bad bloods or a high blood pressure test. 


Mister A


It is what it is bro. 3 pills 3 times a day. When I'm cruising I lower it to 2 pills 3 times a day. 
