

Mister A


This belongs in the Cycle Log section.

This your first run with Tren? I can tell it is because you didn't mention anything about having Caber or Prami on hand. What are you gonna do when your nipples start bleeding milk?

If you haven't run Deca or NPP and seen how your body reacts to a 19nor, then you should probably try one of them first. Deca if you're looking to use the enanthate ester of testosterone.

I could be critical of you using test e and tren a, as well as a ratio of test:tren, not to mention the instability caused by pinning tren EOD rather than ED. I could also rag on you for 6 weeks of DBol.

But before I do any of that I'd love to know exactly what you mean by "moderate experience." How many cycles have you run and what compounds have you run? What is your bodyfat percentage? And what are your goals?



Well-known member

X2. Help keep the forum clean and post a cycle in the cycle log section. This will allow you to get better feedback and specific information based on the information you provide.

18% BF is a bit high in my opinion to be using gear if you are male and in the prime of your life. This number alone shows some lack of discipline, fitness and experience unless there is a history of injury or some unknown. I would highly recommend getting your other disciplines in order before cycling. You can easily get below the 12-15% threshold at your age naturally with the right diet, exercise and supplements. Lower is even better in the long run. It makes everything so much easier.

Get the very most out of your next cycle brother and take some positive steps before jabbing yourself with another needle.

There are some great minds here who will freely offer all kinds of help.

Best of luck and get strong!




If you throw up cycle log.... More ppl would chime in...... That's what I'm looking at now...:)