Need advice


New member

I have been on TRT for around 2 years now. It is through my normal physician as there is no endo's in my area. At 100mg of cyp a week, my levels at best are in mid 400's and still hop around some. Doc isn't going to raise the dose and I am ready to do something different. I was thinking about finding and adding a low dose of test prop three times a week. He has me get bloodwork once every 4 to 6 months and I usually have a month window to do them. Could I pull this off safely and not have unusually high test levels when I give blood?




I am on trt bro and 400 is not a good number  it's in the normal range but that's not what we want prop is a good answer so that you don't mess with blood work  honestly with test levels that low you could get away with added some test e  add 100 mg  per week test e and in five weeks get test levels checked  with my private labs and  see where you are if it's in normal range still I wouldn't worry about your doc what can he say it's normal  imo you may have to adjust dose but it would keep you from having to do alot of shots  prop will work as well prob 50 mg m/ w / f  then come off two weeks before bloods  it took me four doctors to find one that got It right  so I understand  pm me if you need any info 




I'm with outlaw add 100mg test e or c to your prescribed dose which will bring you up to 200mg per week. 4 weeks before your bloodwork switch to prop at 50mg m/w/f and 2 weeks before bloods go back to your prescribed trt dose. Getting your own bloods to check your t levels is another smart idea by OL. Here's a informative link about getting bloods.

Mid 400 is ok but 800 to 1000 would be way better. Like OL said go to some different doctors until you find one that will give you more.



New member

What sucks is there are no doctors around here that specialize in this area. He is just a normal physician and doesn't know anything really.  




Well I will tell you some endo docs don't know as much as you would think  they are just as stubborn I got lucky and found one that don't care as long as my blood do y get to thick   and it don't get too high as in 1300+  You could try to see if an anti aging cling is close they seem to be the best at it  honestly doing it yourself seems to be the most effective  cheapest way 


gotta mirror dolf and outlaw here, they got you covered my friend, 400 is to low, but with the recommended dosages you will be sitting pretty my friend, Mine as well hire dolf and outlaw as your docs... ;)
