New to the AAS Forums, getting my feet wet!


New member

How's it going guy's, i'm finally discovering this awesome world and family of forums, I've been on one so far for about a year, didn't realize there were so many, trying to get involved in the good ones!

about me;

31 years old 5'7" 190lbs

natural lifter for 9+ years straight, started my journey in the anabolic world with some PH/DS cycles about a year ago, started my first aas cycle about two months ago, with trest ace/decoanate

now currently on test p/c 100mg/250mg eod/e4d masteron p/e 100mg/100mg eod

plan to add NPP soon, want to bulk!  looking for good domestic sources with good quality and prices.. appreciate any and all feedback/advice/comments etc.. glad to be a part of the family!
