no ,ore domestic for me !!!!



You know I pride myself on being a honest brother ,,and anything I do or say on here I put my heart into,,

This recent sisuiation ,got me thinking ,and I think no more !!! I will not put my name on another domestic !!!

I'm feeling like a piece of shit ,, I had a great experience ,,and I relayed that ,,and I know a lot of brothers at least look at what I say ,,and this I promise I will never ,put my name on a another domestic ,IMO and this is only my opion ,to unstable ,hit and miss and shit changes over night ,and I will not have any part of it agion ,even if plp bounce back I'm sorry but no more from me ,I pride myself on my honestly ,,and helping bros safely achieve there goals 

I've had some exp,with international and the brother has been around a long time and well established and no I will not mention who there's a few and there in reviews ,, ::)) that's why reviews are there to see bros experiences ,,but this is for me ,I know I have to wait 10 - 30 days but I will allow for that ,not only that a run shouldn't be last minute ,IMO all supply should already be in box ,along with ai,agnostics ,antibiodics ,etc   I do feel bad for you all ,keep us posted hopefully the eagle lands Friday :)))) keep the hope. Sieg




don't jump the gun just because of one bad apple man. There are severel very high quality domestic labs. Sources come and go. it is part of the game. International sources come and go as well. I have ordered from both and have had nothing but good experiences fortunately for me.




I'm not saying there ain't good sources ,and I also said for me,,I'm more comfortable with international ,I'm around like 4 years and I see it all the time ,,,good sources ,change over nite and for me ,,I'm more comfortable with some international that been around for  years ,,I've had nothing but good experiences ,,and actually the top players stay on top ,that has to be for a reason ,,also the fact that I just reviewed and voted and all that good shit ,,and now bros waiting and hopefully not fucked got me feeling horrible  ,,I hate it ,,so yes these are my feelings Nov as of now ,,how would you be feeling if you just reviewed voted and said nothing but good things about your guy and this happened ??? I know how you would feel I know you ,,you would feel like I'm feeling now ,,yes its the game but I can't help but feeling horrible




for sure man I know what ya mean. sounds like you feel guilty you recommended someone who went under. cant really predict those kinds of things.




Yes ,I told my honest review ,and my honest experience ,,I guess that's all I can do is  honest but at same time ,,I'm pissed ,and feel horrible ,,and part responsible ,, I put my heart in hear and to the bros ,and I know they look at my posts and reviews ,and I was pleased ,and now ,,, I'm just like wtf ,,I can't blame myself and I'm not ,,it is the game ',,but if I can avoid this ever happening agion ,I'll do all I can to change it ,,and that's why I'm steering inter ,,,




That's to bad my friend. Everyone who orders domestic with me gets their order, and if I say im going to do something I do it. Dont count us all out brother.




Domestic ?? Thought you were inter for some reason ,I'm just feeling a type of way over this bills hit right now




Sources come and go all the time, it's just how it is. Some simply go dark for awhile to escape the heat while others, unfortunately, scam. I am not insinuation this rather simply stating a fact. It's a risky ordeal especially for sources so just because they go dark does not always mean they are gone. Hopefully this is the case here.



New member

I will say that I firmly 100% believe that the vast majority of domestic sources have no intention of ripping anyone off. Unfortunately not you, me nor the source ever gets advanced warning he is about to get raided and locked up. Its kind of hard to fill orders when the feds or dea have seized all their products and are most likely worried about bigger things.

  International is not likely to get busted or shut down, but you could have a pack seized , although most seem to reship under that circumstance.

  All that being said any domestic is a UGL, and most of the internationals are not . Measure the difference for your self.




Agreed standing , im sure everyone can undersand why I feel bad ,, my luck Ibut I need to get over it and move on



New member

oh no doubt, its very hard when you refer someone and it doesn't work out. Im sure the guilt you feel is far greater than any blame actual placed on you.




That's why I place smaller orders. I'm not gonna risk more than I'm willing to lose



This was a great post and there are so many things to consider when placing an order right now i am completely deflated lately, i have seen no less than 8 trusted popular sources in the last 6 weeks or so drop off in one way or another. they have either disappeared alltogeether,faileed to deliver on a large scale, or had mass specs under 20% purity. i even seen one with 90% purity but gear half dosed. I've come to realize that most powdermust originate in the same place to some degree, so sometimes the honesty of your src isn't even enough. at first i thought it was just domestic srcs but i have recently seen some intl srcs with horrendous mass specs, either purity under 10% or no hormone at all and one of the brandshas been highly respected for longer than the internet has existed, the other not so much. it does help when you have a source who is willing to make up for it and to me if that is the case it wouldn't be any more than an inconvienience, i have a human grade stash I've been stockpiling for a long time, i am a compulsive gear hoarder. some people however do not have the means to do that and a bad batch of gear and pct could ruin several months of thier lives. what i have been doing lately is searching and waiting for the. most recent mass specs and scooping up a few vials or bottles of everything that tests over 85% i even have 7 vials of some different brands of tren 85-90% and i never really want to run that stuff again but onne of my friends may and I'm not fond of the idea of anyone running. 90% unknown substance and 10% hormone so why not keep it on hand just in case. snyway the info is out there and i think patience and research is the key, i used to think 6month old revviews didn't mean much but now i dont put much stock in any review over a month old. so that's it, research research patience!!



Best practice to use without a.doubt. dont ever send more than your willing to lose.


We cant call corporate and complain about bad.service asking for refunds lol. Some guys think this like burger king and its have it your way. 




Would be nice if it were available 2 the public man,what a relief it would be to go to test your stuff out.I have heard that some college labs offer the service but that could be just rumors.Besides I really dont want to walk up 2 some dorm with my stash asking for it 2 be tested lol.




I'm in total agreement and I'm going human grade all the way ,, or as much as I can anyway ,, I still have the next few months to stock pile without it hurting the pocket kwim ,,
