Parcel Seizure in the U.S.A.


New member

Open forum on parcel seizure... What do you know about it? Is it randomized depending on the country of origin? Are certain countries more likely to be scrutinized? Does parcel size matter? If you have had a product seized, does it jeopardize future orders?


I know enough to elect not to respond to or contest a seizure letter. Moving forward, does anyone else have useful, factual information or advice about the subject?




dlovett said:
<br />Are certain countries more likely to be scrutinized?<br />
<br />be sure that's true, shipments from european countries are more safe and have a better successful delivery rate.<br /><br />
dlovett said:
<br />Does parcel size matter?<br />
<br />yes, it does matter, that's why every source is splitting their orders in several packages.<br /><br />
dlovett said:
<br />If you have had a product seized, does it jeopardize future orders?<br />
<br />- it depends, if a new shipment is made from the same country the risk is high and a new seizure can ocurre.<br />- if you are getting a shipment from a different country when the delivery should succeed.</p>


New member

My understanding is they have stepped up efforts to seize orders.  I think after two packets are seized they watch that address. So if one gets stopped instruct the shipper to send balence of ordeer to another adderss, My two cents. One other thing Ive been told lately they have not even been issuing seizure notices.
