Proper test levels(Newbie)


New member

Ultra her, Newbie, Yes! 59yrs old. 240 lbs, 33% bmi or so!

 I was under dr care doing .5 test C twice a week to maintain a 1200 test in my blood. Had to fly 1200 miles to see him and it got expensive.

Just started again on my own. Test E 250. it has been now 22 days.It's no secret old sucks for proper test levels, not to mention wanting to gain a little mass, you know look good, feel good for the wife.14 yrs younger by the way.

I need more info. I need to know roughly how much I need to take to start seeing mass, bring my test up to what? I know it's not an exact science, and that everyone is different. Do I double the amount for a month or so? I am lost. Need more information. The sex drive is back, great side effect! My diet is mostly fish, chicken, and protein shakes for protein. I just need a GURU, someone to push this old fart to better understanding, and knowledge.

Ikow that the test will be a life time thing for me, for what's left of it, just need help. Preferably at the moment without the high dollar dr!




500mg per week split in two 2 injections. For example 250mg on Sunday and the 250mg on Wednesday for 12 weeks is perfect for what you are looking for. Diet and training are vitally important though. After 12 weeks go back to your trt dose. What ai do you have on hand for gyno problems if they arise?




thats a interesting question my friend.  IMO, taking test for TRT vs MASS is two different beast.  There two different doses and two different views.  With that being said bro, Before I would up my dose higher than what you where taking at the dr I would work hard to knock the BF % down.  if you load up with test right now you body is going to aromatase test very quickly with your current BF may turn into a gyno nightmare.   This is just my opinin bro some of the other brothers may have other solutions.    I would take a light dose like your dr prescribed,  work very hard to get you BF at least under 15 /16% then you can up your dose and start worrying about gaining mass and running a actual cycle.




You're exactly right axle. My magic bf% is 20% or less, but I've seen several guys with high bf% run a test cycle and make amazing transformations. Higher bf% leads to more test converted to estro, and more estro leads to the body wanting to store fat, and gyno problems. IMO if you have your diet and training dialed in then go for it, but the majority of people with high bf% do not have their diets dialed in hence the high bf%. 




Ultra...if you don't know what gyno is you need to hold off on running a cycle and do some research brother! 

Go research gyno and you tell us what gyno is!



New member

Is that not what the forums are about? to educate and learn from people that are experiencing the same things? I understand gyno, it is not a problem I have, yet!! LOL! Male breasts, MOOBs I call them are comen at my age. Mine are disappearing with the use of my gym!!



New member

Yup like AX said pull that body fat dow to a workable range. That should be your goal right now. Learn how to eat and properly exercise its not magic ultra.




Here is some reading to get you started.





Yes they are, but if you're not gonna put in the least little bit of effort to educate yourself about the basics why should we spoon feed it to you? I give my all to this site, and often times too eager. I'm willing to put in as much effort as you are. Which at this point and time doesn't look like much effort. 



New member

Best thing to use is a caliper.  Look online and they are cheap, 6-8 dollars , body fat caliper, and they come with instructions. They are pretty accurate, in fact usually better than the fancy scales.

  The thing about fat is a tough call and a risk in my opinion. For guys to give you safe advice its better to suggest you loose the fat first. The risk is a person with more body fat will tend to convert testosterone to estrogen at a higher rate, plus hold that estro. Then because you are fat you may not notice the development of gyno until its too late. If you are lean you will see estro getting high and take care of it faster and easier.  Now all that being said the best way to loose fat is to increase the bodys muscle mass, then the muscle will actually start to eat the fat away. Its a bit of a catch 22 , the trouble as I said is for someone else to guide you they are gambling with your body, whereas if you lean out first its a much safer bet.

  Next think of the forums more like a library where you can research all this stuff, then after you have read up on it if you still have questions you ask in relationship to what you researched.




+1dolf you do go up and beyond ,we all do but the op needs to put his 50% in ,I could know nothing about aas come here and read all the forums and I fo on here ,and learn all I ever needed to know ..

ultra I assure you ,you put some effert into your research ppl will bend over backwards here ...




X2 nytex...I don't mind helping or giving advice to guys in this situation because I've learned along the way if they have it, and are determined to use it they will regardless of what we suggest. I want them to feel comfortable about having somewhere to turn to in case shit starts going bad. However I personally feel he's not ready for a cycle if he doesn't know something as basic as gyno because with his bf% it's a monster that can rear its ugly head. It also tells me if he doesn't know about gyno then he most likely doesn't know about ai's. This is a train wreck waiting to happen. some homework and studying on the basics, and I'll be more than willing to help you anyway I can. The more you put into it the better your cycle will be. In the meantime keep getting that bf% down. The lower the better.



New member

BMI is fairly inaccurate most of the time, especially for the muscle bound guys on here haha, best to use a caliper, the guys are right gyno is a horrible thing to deal with, we are just looking out for you as it can be very easily prevented, I would have killed for the advice from the MG site when I first started gear but in reality I was an over eager idiot.... take some time to read up and research there's no rush to jump in, you want to know what's going into your body.

PS. If your mrs is 14 years younger you're clearly doing something right haha.


Turning 40

Active member

Hey Dude,

Good to have you here at MG.

Firstly you've done the right thing by doing your homework before reaching for any pins! Second respect for the 14yr junior wife ! :).

I'm guessing you are pretty new to weight training too (or at least not done any for a long time)? You have made a great decision to start training. As we age we lose muscle mass and bone density. Weight training can slow/reverse these effects of aging. It's not just about extending length of life, (you joked about 'what's left of it!) but improving quality and I respect that.

I have to agree with my friends above, from what you've told us, and the questions you've asked, it sounds like you're not ready for AAS for building mass. Your doctor already has you on base level TRT so you have a plentiful supply of test in your system (I'll come back to this later) simply adding additional test will have no beneficial effects whatsoever all you've do is increase the likelihood/severity of side effects.

My advice (for now):

1. Get your training sorted. Spend the money you would have spent on AAS on a PT if necessary. I would never have done it, but got a block of sessions as a present - and now would recommend to anyone. A decent PT will educate and motivate and will be money well spent. You should make decent progress in reducing BF and in strength.

2. Diet. As training - get it sorted. Now is the time to lose those excess pounds. You do not want to calorie deficit when trying to add muscle so get if off now!

3. Research. There is plenty of reading to do and a lot to learn. There is a newbie section here, start there, then 'break out' into the wider site. (For example MOOBS  from excess BF is not the same as Gyno).


From what you say I suspect you are looking to replace your Doctor prescribed TRT with TestC from UGL's. Obviously this is not something I could recommend, but I understand the financial reasoning for your suggestion. If you do decide to go down this road then I would see regular blood work as essential. You already have good baseline info from the doctor and you are trying to maintain this level (?) so it should be relatively easy to self administer until you get this level right for you - but you need blood tests to get this right.

Some of the guys on here are also on TRT, so can advise better, but I think the average is around 0.5ml of TestC 250 per week (1ml/fortnight) but that will be different for everyone.


I know it's not what you may have wanted to hear, and I'm sorry, but at MG were NOT interested in "selling" the use of AAS, (one of the main reasons I come here). Not something that can be said of all sites!

Best of luck to you - let us know how it goes,




New member

sorry I haven't been here in awhile I just stopped in to make a review for my favorite source , mass can be gained with 0nly 250mg a week I would start their and learn how much ,when and what to eat , sure in highschool guys would do a 500mg/wk to start and eat macdonalds to get their calorie intake up , well you can imagine how that back fired , trt purposes I have been set on doing .50ml out of a 250mg/ml concentration which is a littler more than .50mg/ml every 4 days - this has turned my life around doctors want to spike you with 200mg/ml every 2 weeks - yikes no wonder people hate it .
