Running dual 19 nor steroids


New member

Say what ? Yes right away many think wtf you cant do that but the truth is there are people who successfully do. You see lots of cycles with tren ace test and npp. Do i agree ? well no because of the whole hard shut down issue but it is a good topic. the more  i think of it the more i feel that if you keep your prolactin in check properly why couldent you. i know a few guys that run npp or deca for just joint relief alone in their cycles. a low dose with proper prolactin control does not seem all that bad after all. what do you think ?




Mixed feelings here on this topic since it is kind of a cardinal rule that running two 19's is asking for trouble. Although many are running a low dose of deca during their cycle for joint relief. IMO most monitor their prolactin by the quality of their wood, aside from getting bloods, and drop in their caber accordingly. So I suppose two 19's would intensify the suppression of prolactin this mandating a closer eye to associate sides. Not saying I agree with running two 19's just kicking around some logic as to why someone would. 

You do see some cycles out there involving test, npp, and tren ace and guys are claiming to have great results and recovery as well. Would be interested in hearing from anyone who has experience in such a cycle. 




+1 piston good topic. I don't agree with running 2 19 nors either, but the exception could be a highly experienced guy who gets bloods and knows his body and how they react to these compounds intimately, or maybe trying to kick a deca cycle with npp. Still though I'd say it needs to be a highly experienced member. 



New member

I know guys who have run two 19's and they said it was one of their better cycles ever. The one thing in common that they have is they're all on trt. 

I wouldn't worry about the prolactin part as much as the shutdown aspect. Let's be real gyno sucks. Milky tits are even worse. But surgery can fix that. You can't really fix permanently damaging your hpta. You can run things during the cycle to mitigate the risks but if you fuck up? It's for life. 

Age maturity and goals should always be points that have to be a part of the decision. If you don't have kids yet that also should be considered. 

Goals wise I'm friends with a cat who just won a bigger npc in state. He runs a comprehensive stack and yet he doesn't run two 19's at the same time. 

Tapered 19's in a stagger would be the only option I would ever recommend to anyone and even then the user would have to totally have their shit together and prove that they are well on their way to something special. This should never be an option for the occasional user. 



New member

I have run NPP and TrenA. Great stack proper results. Lots of power and volume. Tireless workouts and overnight physical changes. But my hpta is as fucked as you can get. fertility treatments and trt are a fixture in my life. 

I must also add that my hpta was fucked before I ever touched aas and is not a result of my gear use. 




 If you're a recreational/occasional user the juice is not worth the squeeze. I often times tell guys to look at what they want and ask themselves is the juice worth the squeeze. For life...think about that? For guys trying to get a pro card maybe its worth it, but for me it'll never be worth it. You can take risk and you can take gambles. A risk if you win you're rewarded. If you lose you lose, but can recover. A gamble if you win you win, but if you lose you're screwed. I'll take an occasional risk, but I never gamble.



New member

Although I've seen plenty of guys do it I personally believe that there are a myriad of anabolic combinations out there that would cause less damage to HPTA response and still get you the same results. Dolf is correct, you need to take "Calculated Risks" based on good judgement and careful analysis if you're going to be in this game and still be healthy in your 70's +.. Just my 2 cents..



New member

I think that GS is onto something here. Everybody that I know uses 2 19nors in a run(there are a lot on this list) are on TRT or blast/cruise. The shut down is tremendous and not the easieat to bounce from. An experienced aas user should have their bodies figured out via bloods and previous runs to be able to keep prolactin under control. I am a TRT guy but don't see the need as there are so many stack options out there anymore that it's almost mind bogglin.



New member

Good conversation flow here look like majority against it. Like I said I personally not run myself but know guys who do. The trade off is not worth it in my opinion 



New member

Like I was saying I could definitely see a staggered run of  a front end NPP and tail TrenA finish. but it's gotta be done clean and with short ester And you gotta be a bad motherfucker with years under your belt



New member

seem necessary, even on TRT.. Same results could most probably be obtained through other stacks that are less taxing on the system
