

New member

Been using AAS for a few years, been active on forums like these for a little more than 3 years. Just turn 30, worked out seriously since I was 24. Haven't been working out as much as I would want to for the past year or so due to family issues, in fact we had our first child last winter and my free time when from rare to almost none. I also find it hard to maintain a decent diet since I got no time to plan or even cook properly. AAS helped me alot keeping my most of my muscle mass but I really gotta get back to it seriously!




Welcome sc2216 . C'mon in and make yourself at home but be sure to take time to review the rules.




Welcome sc2216 .  Be sure you’ve found the right place.

glad to have you among us. stay active and share your knowledge. we need you here. Good Luck!
