SHGB and Testosterone, its a love hate relationship.


SHGB and Testosterone, its a love hate relationship.

We need it but we don't want it, well not a whole lot of it anyway.
So you got your blood work done and your " Total testosterone level " is through the roof and feel as though you have plenty of available testosterone to feed your muscle tissue that you are diligently working to meet your cycle goals. You praise your source by leaving good review and you assume that all is well. You may indeed have plenty of testosterone in you, but just how much of it really useful ?

If you didn't take the time to analyze other values that accompany your bloods, then you may not be in the supercharged situation you think you are.
Free Test, total Test, estrogen, prolactin, progesterone, dhea, and SHGB. These are just a few of the test results that populate with the " Standard hormone panel test " along with metabolic values such as glucose, creatinine, and several other important values. For this discussion we will be referencing the the behavior of Testosterone and SHGB levels during a cycle. When we order tests online, we order the female hormone panel, here is a popular online site >>>

Lets get the definitions down so we can dig into this topic.

- Total testosterone >>This is the TOTAL amount of testosterone in you blood.
- Free testosterone >> This is considered to be the purest form of testosterone because it "Free" meaning there are no proteins attached to it ( SHBG - Hang on, we will pull this together in a bit )
-Sex hormone binding-globulin (SHBG) >> This is a protein produced in the liver by androgen's and it role is to transport sex hormones like testosterone/estrogen via the bloodstream.

OK, so what we are talking about here is the binding/attachment of testosterone to SHBG and the negative effects it can have by not having enough available testosterone to effectively build muscle. Normally, SHBG regulates the amount of free testosterone in our bodies and its production increases as our natural testosterone production decreases.
It is said that roughly 50 percent of our total testosterone binds to SHBG and decommissions it, rendering it useless for muscle growth. How ? Because SBGH rapidly binds itself to the total testosterone causing your free testosterone to take a nose dive. Less free testosterone, less available to go to work, less muscle growth. The lower the SHGB, the less binding of testosterone, the more total testosterone available to do work. So under normal conditions, like ageing, our testosterone levels decrease, our SHBG levels increase, only to hijack our total testosterone thus lowering our free testosterone. That's why excessive SHBG can render high testosterone production but in reality you can be in a state of low total testosterone. #$@%*!....... Crazy eh ?
So how can we control our SHGB levels during a cycle ? Well for one, you can make sure you estrogen is in check since high E2 = high SHBG. Second your body fat has a influence on SHGB production too, so drop that bf. Many have said that with the addition of proviron, SHBG levels remain stable while others just simply dial in on their E2.

So here it yet another reason why getting bloods are important especially if you are using compounds that are new to you or you are not familiar with. Why waste time, money, and jeopardize your health by neglecting a simple blood test to see whats going on ?
It a win win situation.