Sore Nips


New member

Heyo! Been on my cycle for 3 weeks now and my nipples have been tender for the majority of it! I was using A-dex .5 eod and bumped it up to .5 ed and still can't shake the soreness. The only other change is that I bumped the dbol up to 100mg ed. Think I would be able to mitigate pain/swelling by dropping my dbol down for the remaining 2 weeks? Do you guys/gals think this might be an issue for caber? I know I should always have some on hand when using nandrolone or trenbolone but... 




Determining if it's high E2 or high prolactin is the task at hand here D.

High T dosage +  High dbol dosage= super charged E2 conversion bro. I would start by bumping my Adex up to pull you E2 back down but be conscious of the efects since you can over shoot and tank your E2.

Now if you show signs of high prolactin, then caber for sure but having some on hand is always a plus. 



New member

I am almost wholly convinced it is high E2, even though I am already up to .5mg of A-dex every day. The only time the sensitivity pain subsided was when I added 10mg of tamoxifen to the cycle. I may just cut my dbol down and see where that takes me, rather than add the tamoxifen back in. I'd rather take less pills than more, lol.  


What would other signs of high prolactin be, besides "deca-dick" and floundering libido? I don't think that I will experience those with such high test levels in this particular cycle...






Also keep in mind that not all the symptoms come together especially with high dosages of Test. You can have high prolactin and still have good libido due to the level of T you are running. 



New member

Do you mean irreversible damage? The sore/leaking nips from high prolactin - is that synonomous with gyno?




Bad choice of words on my part. Too late = total loss of libido or the dreaded deca-dick. Just about anyone who has encounteered this will agree that there are very little warring signs. Now a lactation problem is a sure sign of elevated prolactin, you will have puffy nipples that discharge a watery substance when squeezed. I knew a gym rat several years back that had no libido issues yet had discharge from his nipples. Dial in on the adex bro and hit the caber @ .25ED if you have discharge. More improtantally you need to determine what is causing your issue.



New member

From my understanding prolactin issues can only happen if estrogen levels aren't kept under control ,high estrogen will causing this, try running nolva at 20mg a day for the soreness ,I had an issue with sore nips and a small lump 20mg a day of nolva  and 2 weeks later no soreness and no lump is it pharma adex  you are using maybe it's under dosed 
