Steroid Use- Yes or No?




Steroid Use - Yes or No?

Here is my incomplete thoughts on the matter and the questions I believe everyone should ask themselves before committing to supplementing with AAS;

1. Why do I want to take them? Need to be real and honest with this answer. If you are not honest with this answer the following questions are thrown out the window.

2. Do I fully understand the risks? It's an important question you gotta ask yourself, because there is a lot of contradictory information about the subject.

3. Do I really need them? If I haven't given 100% effort and commitment to doing it naturally first then I have to be honest with myself and answer this with a clear "NO". I have a lot of respect for professional sports men and women that reach the natural limits of their efforts and then decide to take it to the next level.

4. Do I have clearly defined goals and are they realistic?

5. Have I expressed the past discipline (diet, training, rest, etc.) to make their use effective? This answer MUST be "yes" before considering AAS. We need to get this right first before taking the plunge.

Steroid use, in a controlled and educated setting, can be effective but when combined with poor education and even poorer discipline (laziness on the users part) then it becomes a wasted effort.

In closing, I will say with a high level of certainty that most of us if we answered the first question honestly and are not a professional athlete the answer to question #3 will be "no" but we are simply attempting to do more with less. The passion that we show in our hobby sport is good and is to be commended. If the answer to question #5 is "no" then we are only fooling ourselves and believe the laws of physics do not apply to us.

Keep it real and stay real.





Great listing of "pre-requisite" questions to dabbling in AAS for anyone to go through the mental exercise & hopefully think through it deep enough to come to realistic conclusions! 

1st - AAS, peptides & GH are all PEDs. I would apply the listing above to ALL PEDs not just AAS.

2nd - To your point #3 above, PEDs help you break through your genetic barriers with time, hard work, intensity & consistency, but def giong Natty does not have the ability to break you through your genetic limitations. I know some people might believe it could, but from my experience PEDs definitely can achieve that together with time, hard work, intensity & consistency.


Rux - great check list for people to have before using PEDs. Thanks for sharing that.



New member

Good post, and excellent questions for anyone to ask themselves before using any PED. 

I have my own opinions on when it's OK to start cycling, but let's just say age and experience are a major factor. Doesn't mean you need both though. I've met some 35 year old dudes who were just as immature as an 18 in regards to cycling. 

Spend a year researching both anecdotal (forums) and scientific (pubmed etc) data and learn all you can. Eventually you will weed out the bullshit.

And build a solid fucking base! If you don't train hard , eat right and take time to recover, steroids are just going to make things worse. I think most guys should get up to at least 200lbs natty before using gear. Of course if you are competing in a lighter weight class or do endurance events that won't apply to you. I'm talking to all you meathead mass monsters, myself included lol.

Just do your homework and be safe as possible, steroids get demonized enough as it is through the ignorant and uninformed media, don't need to add anymore fuel to that fire ;)
