Taking PCT recreationally


New member

I've been looking at lot at different PCT drugs, and learning about what they do in the body.

I was wondering what downside there would be to using Clomid as a test booster, or A.I.'s to help reduce estrogen in the body.

*I mean, without going on Test or something first.*
Just more of a supplement to bring hormones into more appropriate levels, and enhance mood, energy, libido, etc

Would you need to cycle it? Run it the same way as a PCT?

Will it be effective? Will it be more effective than say a natural test booster or estrogen control product?

I was wondering why this gray area between GNC test boosters and Test injections isn't being explored. If it is, I haven't seen many people posting about it.

It SEEMS like it would be a good idea to my rather uneducated mind (on the topic).





Clomid has been prescribed by some docs as a replacement for conventional TRT, and for some guys it works pretty good. I'v heard of dudes that were in the 300's natty get to the 500's on clomid.

There have been some studies done on Aromasin that show it boosts testosterone a little, and raises insulin growth factor some too.

The increases are pretty small, but they could be used to get some gains I suppose. I'm sure if you google the subject you'll fond some interesting articles or threads on the subject.



New member

Agree with Burr.  The reason clomid isnt discussed much is it is in general far less effective than test cremes, pellets, injections, etc.....test boosters from GNC are garbage.




X2 sup store test boosters are garbage. You'd be better off giving me half the money, and letting me kick you in the nuts. Lol



New member

I agree, Lots of the high dollar supps from GNC like any test booster or most MuscleTech crap are all just BS advertising Hype, Even some of the special creatines are garbage, Just a waste of money. I use GNC mainly for the proven things like Protein powders, BCAA and  glutamine.



New member

I think the other joke is Colostrum.  Uh bring that Titty over her and let me take a shot...lol  Whats next drinking pregnant lady pee?





I took a test booster from Gaspari called viridex xt. worked well... now I just hit the real deal.... TEST...................




Yep thats it, basically sub-q preggo pee pee. Na the HCG in the kits are made by recombinant DNA synthesis



Well-known member

A whole PCT no you do need to do that. You need to understand the difference between Clomid and Nolvadex and where they do their work.  IMO you should only take one at a time. I like Clomid, at 4 weeks. Than  Nolvadex at 4 weeks.

Remember testosterone is made by Leydig cells in the testis (you nuts)..

Nolvadex block estrogen at the Hypothalmus and helps at the Pituitary. Nolvadex is also better at keeping things more balanced, because it is a more balanced blocker and covers more. 

Clomid blocks estrogen in the Pituitary. The pituitary releases LH, LH is what your testis use to make Testosterone more LH more Test your testis can try to make.

So in short.

Clomid works by blocking estrogen at the pituitary. The pituitary sees less estrogen, and makes more LH. More LH means that the Leydig cells in the testis make more testosterone.



New member

Here is an article I found that talks about PCT drugs instead of TRT.


