Tamoxifen vs toremifene

hey guys I have a buddy that is running a cycle with deca. He was telling me with a 19 nor that nolva wouldn't be a good choice for pct cause u dont recover properly. That toremifene is a better choice with clomid after running a 19 nor. If someone could tell me if this is true and your experiences with toremifene. Thanks



Stallion, I'm pretty sure that the rumored problem of taking nolva with 19-nors is in relation to treating gyno flare-ups on cycle.

Something about nolva being of no use for treating the rare case of prolactin induced gyno. For PCT, the deca should be mostly out of your system and Nolva should be just fine. 

Maybe someone with first hand knowledge will chime in here. I did a conventional PCT after using deca and did not get any weird sides, just a shitty recovery due to the lingering deca in my system.



New member

OK .. Tamoxifen toremifene are very closely related. From what I have found so far many people prefer toremifene over nolva, BUT finding legit toremifene is harder than finding legit nolva. Both will be effective for pct. Toremifene seems to be considered stronger. I think the confusion of the no nolva with deca is that during cycle you would not use nolva. Instead caber would be used as nolva would not have any effect on prolactin gyno. As long as prolactin and estrogen are controlled during cycle nolva would be an OK choice to use as pct. Of course use alongside with clomid. 



New member

Man I get so frustrated reading other forums looking for some info or links to studies. So many times I see some crazy advice...  I just seen someone saying nolva alone would be good for pct and nobody disagreed. This was a post from like 2010 tho but damn I feel sorry for people looking for answers. 



New member

I guess Lol but I bet you would feel like complete shit while your test levels slowly get built up again once they tank. 
