Tbol Dosage


New member


If you are taking 50mg of TBol per day, would the dose be split up into 25mg twice per day or just 50mg at once? Or does it even matter?




I like to dose mine twice a day. Here's a link to half hours of different compounds. https://musclegurus.to/forum/anabolic-steroids/steroids/89239-helpful-guide-to-the-half-life-of-most-substances



New member

Thanks. A couple of questions about Tbol.


1. Is there much difference between 50 mg and 60?

2. I've been taking 50mg per day before my workout and I've noticed 2 things. 1. I can handle more weight. 2. I can't get a burn. No matter how much weight i lift or how many reps, i cannot get a burn. It's kind of awesome in a way because I'm able to get in a few more reps before fail but at the same time I've always believed if it doesn't burn you're not building muscle (no pain no gain).


Any similar experiences?




Same here i can work out forever with it if I let myself  with a lot more weight  20 mg 3 times a day for me seemed best 



New member

Personally I have 25mg tabs so I use 50mg daily and dose a tab 2x a day and it's been going very well. what sort of program are you running? Doing any drop sets? Supers? Trip sets? Try a new set up bro. you should be able to get a pump using tbol so maybe it's the program you're running. post your program and maybe we can tinker with it a bit to find the best set up for you
