Test and deca ratios


New member

Next cycle Im gonna run will be test e and deca. In the past Ive always run test twice as much as deca. So I would do 600mg test and 300mg deca. Anyone have any other expience and what they run it at? 




Bro science has been double the test to Deca, but in all the research I've done I have not found any real research proving. I have come across many that state Test does not combat the dreaded Deca dick, which is why most go 2:1.  I do keep Test higher than Deca but i'm closer to 1.5:1 because I don't want to juice 800-1000mg Test but I like my Deca 400-500 range.




New member

Yea I had deca dick last time I came off of it for a good 2 weeks and would like to avoid that again. 

Do you get much better results eith deca at that amount?



New member

I always run caber and either asin or adex but especially with tren i develop lumps on my nips so annoying. Ive never tried proviron how is it?




You'll find that nearly everyone LOVES proviron.  I've used it during brigde, cycle, its a great oral steroid that doesn't tax the liver.  Some get an enormous boost of libido with it too.




Well-known member

Be careful with proviron. Although liver toxicity is unlikely it can have very negative impacts on BP and cholesterol levels is some individuals. Weigh the risk vs. reward and then make an informed decision.

If you decide to include it I would recommend having your cholesterol check before using and then at 4 weeks of use at any dose. If you have borderline low HDL and high LDL I would not recommend its use. Hopefully you are part of the majority that will not have any issues.





I keep a bp monitor at my desk and have watched that shit skyrocket.  My next cycle is EQ and I have no plans to inlcude provi with that since EQ already has negative affect on BP.  

Cholesterol has never been an issue for me.





Good lookin out mentioning BP issues w/ EQ. I had serious bp issues w/ eq towards week 16. Not a joke man. I was popping these Hawthorne berry pills all day to stabilize shit without using prescription bp meds.




personally, i usually go 1:1 or even less test to deca. I take aromasin and caber REGULARLY on cycle when using Any Nandrolone ester. I dont wait till sides show their ugly head in my life, cause i know they will!!

Last cycle i ran NPP @ 500 mg EW Daily injections, and Test Prop 400 mg EW Daily injections plus HCG @ 600 ius per week. Since it was  LEAN bulk i didnt want high Test sides like bloating (yes im prone to that) to be an issue so i kept Test to 400 mg EW and NPP a little higher. I added Anavar to the mix week 5 or so to increase hardness & vascularity. Yes, weird cycle but got AWESOME results. 
