Test E and EQ cycle


New member

Just started a Test E and EQ cycle last week going to run both at 300mg every Monday and Thursday for 16 weeks. Im 32 years old 6 foot tall and 206lbs with around 12% BF. Moderate to strict diet with 6 days a week in the gym for around 1.5 to 2 hours a session.  Wanting to get my BF down to around 8% with strength gains and more definition. Will this cycle get me to my goals? Any suggestions are appreciated.




That's a solid cycle and it will help a ton with your goals. Still gotta have a solid diet! And make sure you do a lot of cardio. It's almost impossible to reach that low of body fat and not have to run every day.   Someone else needs to weigh in on the cycle load...are you truly running 600mg a week of EQ?  That seems a high proportion to Test/EQ but I may be reading this wrong.




Trust Blast on this dude. He knows EQ and I do not!

And great work out plan. Good luck! if you can stick to it the results should be what you are hoping for!




Then, my friend, you are on your way. The eq will keep you hard and vascular,  watch your RBC though.  Drink lots of water too.



Well-known member

Blast has you. Lots of water EQ is a long cycle high dose to get the benfits.. here is my normal EQ cycle. Eq cycles should be min 16 weeks to max 24 weeks. 

M/W/F 300MG EQ


Usually start with dbol for 4 weeks and finish with Anavar at the end.



Active member

tondo17 said:
</p><p>Just started a Test E and EQ cycle last week going to run both at 300mg every Monday and Thursday for 16 weeks. Im 32 years old 6 foot tall and 206lbs with around 12% BF. Moderate to strict diet with 6 days a week in the gym for around 1.5 to 2 hours a session.  Wanting to get my BF down to around 8% with strength gains and more definition. Will this cycle get me to my goals? Any suggestions are appreciated.</p><p>
</p><p> </p><p>If you diet is 100% spot on you should be able to make some nice gains and meet your goals.</p>


Eq and Test E is by far my favorite cycle. But like blast said up it to 700. Eq is a pretty friendly compound thats why I love it. With really quality gains. I even played with the Test e from. 500 to 700. And was no real difference to me except extra water retention. So i keep the eq between 700 and 900 and test e like 500.