The angriest introduction


New member

Well, maybe not that angry, but it really could have been. 

I came here from Eroids, like many others, after getting into an argument with one of the moderators. Long story short, he was way too arrogant to accept research and the fact that he was wrong, and I got my ass kicked out of the community for good. That made me angry.

I come from Sweden, you know, that small, cold country somewhere over there, where polar bears and hot blond girls are roaming the streets and IKEA and ABBA is the coolest things we can come up with. So except for being an angry swedish bloke, I am also pretty damn cool. Fairly young, yes, but 25 is quite the perk if you're hunting cougars. And by cougars I mean wild ladies in the streets.

Just started my second ever cycle. Yes, and again yes. 25 and already two cycles?! You crazy, angry, cool youngster, you. There's no denying. I started a bit too early and probably before I had already reached my genetic potential, and for that I am ashamed, but nothing I truly regret. I love being "on", and it really does make me feel like a better person as well. Pretty much how Duchaine explained it in USH. Nope, no tren, deca, hgh, insulin and ai like every other beginner wants to start with. Just some test and dbol to get me goin'. 

What else is there to say? It's quite obvious (I hope) that I love working out and building muscle. But for me, the "nerdy" and scienc-y aspects are really very interesting as well. I love science, I love chemistry and biology. I have read pretty much every single word from Lyle McDonald, Dan Duchaine, Skip La Cour, Tom Venuto etc, and well over 400 articles on Examine as well as thousands and thousands of medical research results. I want to know everything about the stuff I eat, what not to eat, what to avoid, what are myths and what are facts. So, yeah. I am a nerd as well outside the gym. 

An angry nerd. From Sweden. 

Did I mention IKEA and ABBA? 




Bro this place is a good,The mods are not like the ones at eroids for sure,you will like it just be active,Activity is crucial so jump in.  you sound like you have got some good knowledge, goodluck to you  and again welcome 




welcome to the club :)
we are welcome and glad to see members like you here.
your intro was great :)




Welcome Angrychair. We are the next generation of review sites where honest reviews and member respect is our motto. Our atmosphere is unlike other review sites, we vow to remain clique free and treat all our members with the respect they deserve. Creating a cycle log, interacting in forums, posting pictures, and leaving source reviews are a few of the ways you can earn karma. DO NOT be afraid or intimateded to ask any questions here on Muscle Gurus. Keep asking until you get the answers you are looking for. - looking forward to your participation.



New member

Haha dont you know your not allowed to argue with those guys.  Hell I heard some dumb shit, one of them even said we didnt need to watch our salt intake. I mean how dumb and dangerous is that advice.

   Anyway, welcome glad you are here and I think you'll find the mods here quite different. 




C'mon in Angrychar and make yourself at home. Rub elbows with the folks in our community and you will be wanting to change you name to Happychair. No worries here bud, all egos have already been checked at the door. We look forward to your contributors so stay active.




Welcome angrychair! You sound like a young Good to have you here.
