The wide world of protein bars.



Protein bars. Who eats them and what's your brand ? Personally, I treat these the same way I treat protein shakes which falls in the category of being far overrated. Why would anyone replace food for this compressed crap ? Well hell I know it all about convince and I guess it better than a Big Mac.  When I do need to down a quick convenient source if energy in will reach for a Meg-RX big colossal bar but dam is it loaded with calories, sugar, and sodium. So I am curious what's everyone's take on protein bars and what brands do you favor.





Big colossals are more like a meal replacement type bar. I use smaller bars like Pure Protein at work for in between meal snacks. They're 20g of protien, 2g of sugar, and 200 calories. It's a convenient snack while on the move at work.




Bars are useless and do more harm than good to your wife found an awesome healthy way to make protein bars....of course nothing beats whole food....You take oats,honey,4-5 scoops of your protein powder add some nuts or what ever you like mix it together and throw it in the freezer....they come out like bricks but east to chew...      These are g2g and far superior than those expensive in healthy bars :) they taste good 2
