

New member

So I pinned  100 mgs of tne earlier before workout got a crazy cough like tren and could taste and feel it instantly. Was crazy ,after about 10 min the rush left and I  went in and pounded out back . Great workout  ,anyone else ever experience this?




Prob hit a vein read  horror  stories bout that stuff  the old ticker was like wtf when it got a taste of raw test 




New member

Oh yeah and the smell that comes out of your pores is worse. Guiacol makes you smell and you'll spend all day thinking to yourself "can they smell me?"



New member

No shit I know it on my breath and coming out in my sweat. I was at a fitness gym for a while and kinda cared then now that I'm at a bb gym with everyone twice my size I don't care as much we are all there to get huge not bs around .



New member

Yes I have had it happen many times, which is why I prefer test aqueous far more than TNE.  I try to avoid Guiacol whenever possible. Some research shows it to be harmless, while other MSDS sheets show it to be quite nasty stuff. We also conducted a small experiment with an oral product containing guiacol and it caused very adverse stomach reactions.



New member

this is very interesting, I have never heard that about Guiacol.. I have never tried Test Aqueous but heard if packs a big Pip factor.. What is your experience and results..?



New member

I do not get pip with it at all, but it does sting whilr going in your body due to the alcohol. Plus generally you should pin aquous w a 22 ga needle, sometimes 25 works but usually it clogs. Still though test aq has been proven to release a hit of test twice in the body. Really nice stuff



New member

steal the thread but how does it release twice? You use it pre workout? ( maybe we should make another thread lol) Just trying to pick your brain on this 



New member

Yea I hit a vein with TNE and scared the crap out of me felt like a bee in my lungs got light headed and felt like I was going to pass out for about a min. That was it no more TNE for me.



New member

The Aqua Nytex is talking about is good stuff! No pip for me and I'm usually sensitive to it! He's right on with the 22 g pins tho, the 25's will plug towards the end of the bottle!



New member

Just finished 10 amps of Aqua last week and test it makes for a killer workout. Shit is like ripping a line of speed. 23g pin for me and you have to shake the crap out of it looks like grains of sand in the empty amp when done. I think tne comes close to Aqua but def not as powerful imo.
