To kickstart or not to kickstart?


New member

Alright guys,

Ive done my research, selected my source, tweaked my training plan, and recomitted to a clean diet. Ive read the stickies "First cycle checklist and shopping list", "First time cycle and why explained", and "Beginners guide to steroid cycles". Im ready to pop this cherry.

I will follow the check/shopping list; Test C for 10 weeks at 500mg/wk. AI on hand and as needed. 4 week PCT with Clomid and Nova begininng 10-12 days after last dose. Check, check, check.

My question is should i or should i not kickstart the first 5 weeks with an oral? I was thinking something mild like Anavar or maybe a bigger kick with dbol. I know the advice put out was to go straight test to see and feel the effects and know "ok, this is how test makes me feel and this is how my body reacts to it" however i also read a few comments where guys used dbol there first go and had really good results. My goal for this first cycle is primarily to create a solid base for future cycles and add some permanent strength and size. Also I would not be upset if i dropped a percent or two in BF (i know, i know, f'n holy grail) 

What do you suggest, am i going in over my head and should just stick to test or is a kicker ok?

P.S. it gives me a warm and fuzzy to see so many other devil dogs here. Semper Fi brothers.



Well-known member

No kickstart. No oral.

Your first cycle should be Test ONLY. You need to know how each compound effects you individually. Running two NEW compounds together you will not be able to tell what the source of the problem is if you encounter any. 

You are going to be surprised, if all your disciplines are in order, the results from a test only cycle. Most peoples very first cycle is the most memorable.

Make sure you do not place any unrealistic expectations on steroid use. They are a tool that will only work if you have the rest of your act together.

If you are a DD then you already have that going for you. Use that discipline to kill it your first go round. If you do not have time to do it right the first time you will never have time to do it right the second time.

FYI- You will not add permanent strength and size. Not possible. You will always lose something. How much will depend on you but you certainly will not keep it all. There are a small number of individuals that are the exception to the rule but the overwhelming majority will not fit into their category.



Mister A


Ozzy, I wanted to throw my experience in. X2 with SF. Nailed it, as usual. Personally, the kickstart concept doesn't make much sense to me. When stacking compounds, my primary interest is synergy. Running an oral the first weeks of a long ester test cycle is essentially like running an oral by itself in terms of the effects. The test hasn't reached its full strength (or even half its full strength). But, to each his own.

I did want to point out that in my experience, with a long ester like cypionate, I don't really start to see results until about week 10. I don't start to truly feel like it's really hitting me until week 8 or 9. Everyone is different. Some people claim to feel it after the first pin (this simply can't be true), others claim to feel the effects after 4 or 5 weeks. I do believe that with the cypionate ester, your best results are in weeks 8 and beyond. For me it's 10 and beyond that I start growing almost daily. I offer my experience because you could be like me and stopping the cycle at 10 weeks could be robbing you of the best gains of the cycle.

I would say a 10 week Test only cycle is better suited for the Propionate or Phenylpropionate esters.

And I have personally started PCT 18 days after my last cypionate injection. 10 days doesn't seem like enough time for the bulk of the compound to clear.

I wish you the best of luck on this cycle and any future runs.




Semp said it best..  My first cycle was teste 500/mg ew. And I blew up like a balloon. I see you got the basics down. Keep your diet and training in check. You wanna push yourself to the utmost limit and keep pushing. A lot of newbies don't grasp the science behind a.a.s. " I would suggest against any oral on first cycle. Your body is gonna go through biiiiiig changes and adjust to the foreign compound introduced to your body. IMO an oral is used to " boost " strength and gains while you wait on the test to kick which takes at least 4+ weeks.


We're here if you have any problems.

Also throw your cycle up in cycles section so we and you can follow your progress.

Good luck and welcome to the dark side.



New member

Thanks guys for all the insight. I will take what you all have said and apply, obviously i still have much to learn. Going to go with a 12 weeker and wait a little longer to start my PCT, dont want to short myself and not max my results. I will post my run in the cycles section when my gear is here and i begin. Thanks again guys.





X2 with everything stated above. I wasn't going to chime in here, but, i couldn't help myself. The only thing i feel u can add to this is the possibility of running test prop for a first experience with gear. There are two reasons for this. First, test prop, with its short ester, is fast acting giving the user quicker results. For me, i feel it kicking in between 5-7 days, so no waiting or wondering. Second, you'll have to inject daily, or at the minimum eod. "Why in the fuck", you might ask, "would i want to do that for?? You're nuts!" My opinion is that practice makes perfect. You'll get familiar with pinning locations, and technique. You'll get to know where nerves and blood vessels are located, thus you will know where to inject to avoid these. Well, there are two other notions worth mentioning. Given the short half-life of prop in comparison to cyp, or enth, if problems arise, its an easier fix since the activity of the prop lasts roughly 3days, whereas the long esters up to 3 weeks or so. The next worthy mention is that with daily injections, stable blood levels are more easily achieved. That being said, some users have adverse reactions to prop, enough such that they simply cannot use it. I myself get soreness in my quads from both prop and tren ace, but it's not so bad that i  discontinue the use of prop. Glutes work fine and for whatever reason my left delt is cool with it, but the left will not handle in at all. Who fucking knows, the body is a trip. Anyhow, this is merely a thought, or two i thought to throw out there just in case. 

Good luck, welcome to a new world, some call it the dark side, but for me it's been enlightening. Looking forward to following your  cycle.  Btw, for a great example of a cycle log, please check out Semper Fi's trest a etc log, its stellar.





For your first cycle start your pct 14 days after your last pin. In future cycles you can adjust that by a few days here or there and see whst works best for you.


Mister A


I ran Prop for 8 weeks as my first cycle. I would not recommend it. I spent most of the time hobbling around in crippling pain. Prop is notorious for PIP. Combined with novice pinning technique, you run the risk of putting yourself in a position where you run out of places to pin, decide to skip an injection or even question whether it's worth the trouble and the discomfort. One of the points of a first cycle is to ease into this lifestyle. It's not to far off from someone who uses Tren on their first cycle, experiences adverse side effects, doesn't know how to combat them properly, discontinues use and concludes that steroids are evil and only crazy people would use them. The more mild your introduction to AAS the more confident you'll be in using them further.



New member

Thanks for the advice blast, im going to stick with test c though. As much as i would love to see results sooner rather than later im going to play it safe and keep my first cycle as less entrusive as possible and stick with the longer ester. At the risk of sounding like a big puss, 1) not crazy about ed/eod injections although i agree with you in that i will become much more familiar with the process and 2) the idea of walking around sore as f*** is not appealling. If problems arise i will just have to trust my AI to see me through plus i have you all here at MG to support. Thanks for the two cents and keep it coming. I have much to learn.

Patience is a virtue.



New member

First cycle stick to test only, you don't want to be new and have multiple aromatizing compounds in you out of the gate and find out you are sensitive to estrogen levels and get itchy nips or worse. Play it safe, you will be satisfied with the test and you can fine tune your injection skills, diest and training while not worrying about taking multiple things and doses and timing. (KISS-Keep it Simple Stupid) that was what pops told me growing up lol, not calling you a dumbass by any means lol.

if you had Lamborghini for your first vehicle, cracked it up and drove Hondas and Toyotas the rest of your life following the lambo, how would that feel? Lack-luster at best...... Don't blow your wad on cycle 1 and then compare everything moving forward to it. Start slow and build upon it brother.




Indeed! "Just a little patience yeah, yeah" Besides its a long term ordeal, no over night sensation :) we all kmow what happens to one hit wonders




Well said, Mister A. I'm doing my fair share of hobbling about! My gf slapped in the ass the other day, and fuck that hurt! And i typically like pain, in the fun way that is hehe
