To the MG Community


New member

Hey guys,

So glad I decided, and was able, to become a part of the MG Community. I am 29 years old, 72" in height, currently weigh 202lbs, have been training for roughly five years, and have run two cycles up until now. It's been about 27 days or so since I joined you guys (terribly sorry this introduction is so late) and I am thrilled to see the knowledge and interaction available here! So many great sources and discussions, and so many great and experienced minds speaking what people need to hear. I am currently transitioning into the civilian world from serving in the military, and am planning on earning my degree in Exercise Physiology. Alongside EP, I am (as many of us are!) fascinated by anatomy and nutrition. I have already made a purchase from an incredible source I learned about through our community here, and very much look forward to starting it when I get back home; moreover, keeping a log and getting feedback from anybody who knows something I don't! Lastly, I just read about the competition that failed. This is so sad to me, because a site like this has SUCH GREAT potential of becoming so much stronger! Not only within it's members, but from outsiders looking in! Let's start working together to create an awesome, knowledgable atmosphere! Thanks MG Community!




Welcome D_Bedell. We are glad you are here and have provided the community with such a detailed introduction . We look forward to your feedback and forum contributions.




Welcome D_Bedell. We are the next generation of review sites where honest reviews and member respect is our motto. Our atmosphere is unlike other review sites, we vow to remain clique free and treat all our members with the respect they deserve. Creating a cycle log, interacting in forums, posting pictures, and leaving source reviews are a few of the ways you can earn karma. looking forward to your participation and glad to gain such members. 



New member

Thanks for the heads up and warm welcome mods, glad to be here and looking forward to staying as active within the site as possible.




Good intro brother ,I like your enthuisiam (if I spelled that right ) which you were here to try to help the comp ,kick off ,pleasure to have you ,+1
