Tracking The Transformation


New member

Weighing, measuring and pictures can almost become an addiction. How frequently should someone measure, get weighed or take pictures to actually see real results without it becoming an obsession?




ha, unfortunatly when you work out you can't help it, you'll never be happy once you have the bug, weigh yourself once a week and monitor your appearance everyday, but remember you will fluctuate, but everyone does, its hard to coontinue to make progress unless you are gifted or abusing it.



New member

Ha, exactly! Personally speaking, I'm battling the use of the scale! lol I have noticed that I tend to weigh myself - a lot. I don't want to become discouraged. I want to stay motivated and am looking for a better way to measure success without being disappointed. lol



New member

measure success with what you can lift. Granted thats not always the best way.
It would better for someone bulking, where as someone cutting would be better suited to use the mirror.



New member

Doing it everyday or too often may discourage you but taking measurements and pics once or twice per month is best as this way you will notice difference in progress and will get more enthusiasm and motivation.



New member

I find using the scale too much is bad I only weigh myself every 3-4 weeks. My scale also measures bodyfat how accurate it is im not sure but it seems pretty darn close, also I also wait the same for the mirror then Im always happy with my results otherwise you can get discouraged. Always lift like an animal and eat what you want to wear



New member

i am a scale whore, to be put bluntly.  only when i am dieting down.  that way i can see what weight i currently am at and what weight i should be at , (rough guestimate).   but when i comes to bulking, i just leave the scale alone and weight myself like once a month, because who really cares. you're eating a shit ton so you know you will grow unless your'e a hard gainer then nothing will help lol, unless you start eating jars of jams and jellies and jars of pb. here is a tip that i found about how you can gauge your progress and say when you will finally be shredded.  you weigh yourself and you see the number .  for instance you weigh 200lbs.  make a rough estimate , by saying, "i think ill be shredded at 170".  once you have that number down, remove 10 more lbs from that. and you'll see some crazy shit.   but yes, the number on the scale is used as a measuring tool, but it should not be used for gauging body fat loss.  unless you started at 200 and now you weigh 150 but then it should be fucking obvious that losing 50lbs regardless of how fat you were when you started , you will look completely different. so in that sense, the numbers are good if there is a huge gap when you started vs what you are today.
