Trying to Step it Up---New Cycle Suggestions


New member
41M 511 232 BMI 27%

Been cycling on and off since high school, but am still a novice at cycles in most experts eyes.

Just finishing an 8wk Anavar/Test C 300 cycle. However this is my first cycle since starting TRT 2 yrs ago.

Firstly, how do I do pct while on TRT? Do i simply dose back down to the 200 prescribed as well as the clomid and nova i usually take or is there a better method since i wont be coming off test completely?

Im looking to turn the last of this bulk i have from being lazy for a few years after having kids into muscle instead of getting leaner. This recent cycle is going better than expected, but I have always been thick and have traditionally focused on cutting (Winni/Anavar Stack, ive also run primo and sustanon in the past) Advice and suggestions please!!