
What's kicking, what ya' cooking, who ya' hitting ?? Let's dust out the cob weds, crack the knuckles, and get some chat going here. This place is turning into a ghost Town, if I had a m80 I would light it off and wake this place up.. I know you're itching for some chatting dlovett :)

So what's the weekend plans ? I just got out of the gym and had a nice shoulder workout. Off season for me so I am going light since bulk season is just around the bend and that's when the fun starts.
A nice 6 egg omlett with peppers, onions, and mushrooms post workout. Jumpping on the bike today for a nice 100 mile run with the club, then home for some relaxation .
So whats up guys and gals ? Anything good ? Recrpies,workouts, new sneakers ??


New member
I posted a link for an HST program that caught my eye and have been training according to that for the last week or so now. It beats me up EOD and I alternate it with my poke days, lol. It's actually turning out to be pretty beastly - my body has been reacting dramatically with that muscle soreness we all crave that I haven't experienced in some time - I LOVETT! Unfortunately my next training day is tomorrow and I am forced to enjoy the day, sans iron.

BULKING IS RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER!!! I will be starting mine in November as soon as I get back from vacation with my gorgeous girl (I will be shredded and shrink wrapped) - going to Jamaica for a few days for my birthday. Once I get back to the States, fun and games are over and it will be time to do some real work! I want to put on a quality 25lbs and be a tight 265lbs by next Spring; we'll just have to wait and see... Pics for everyone! LOL.


Right on brother, keep us posted with the HST progress and have a blast with that queen of yours down in Jamaica. And remember it's OK as long as you don't inhale.


Guys and gals, we really need to participate in these forums if we want to grow. Dlovett, you are willing to go the distance for this site brother.
My wife said I am a bully when I drink :-/