Whats your background?




Thought it would be interesting to know what everyones background is.

By background I mean

Are you a powerlifter? Bodybuilder? PowerBuilder? Casual fitness  fanatic?

How long have you been training?

And stats like Height, weight, and of course lifts and measurements if you don't mind sharing.

this isn't intended to be an ego stroking dick measuring contest guys lol. Just thought itd be interesting to know where everybody is at training wise.


I will start. I have been training seriously off and on since I was 16. Started out at 143lbs benching 115 and deadlifting 255 lol. Been consistent and super serious for last year straight and have achieved lifetime best lifts and am moving up towards "elite" status in powerlifting

I weight 240.8lbs currently at 5'9 and compete at 242

I have done 3 powerlifting meets total. Best competition lifts are a 405 bench and a 600 deadlift. RAW

haven't taken many measurements but my arms flexed are just a shade under 17.5"



New member

Same here, started at 16 for football and other sports, and well, women. In my 40s now, and will lift until I can't lift anymore! It has become a habit for me, and let's face it, it can be a whole lot worse.

Don't recall my stats back then but was tall and lithe, badly needed to improve..





Sure now I'm 5-8 200 lb 10% and 50 tho so I'm not out to break any records ,just stay right currently my bench is around 275- 300 the best ever but I have severe tendon  prob also and rotor cuff shot ,,squats I stay light and rep 225 and shoulders 185 my curl straight bar around 115 but the tendonitis kills me ,, dead lift if I do them I stay light at like 225 n

Now when I lifted for power my bench for reasons said was weak but my dead lift 555 and squat I believe 450 for scrappers and my weight was 170 ,  also that was state correctional institution 




good deal guys. I was a scrawny weak kid my sophomore year of high school. My friend who ironicly  is still my training partner now asked if I wanted to come over and start lifting in his basement. we started using arnolds workouts out of his encyclopedia of modern day bodybuilding. came back my junior year weighing 163 and benching 185. so significant improvement from what I was the year prior. this was all over the course of the summer. needless to say people took notice lol. I went from skinny weak kid who anyone would talk shit to.....to the kid that people knew to leave alone lol. I was hooked.

By the end of high school when I was 17 I had transformed from 143lbs benching 115 to about 180lbs if I remember right benching 275 and deadlifting 455. Towards the end of high school we also moved out of his basement and had begun going to a local powerhouse. altho we would still train in his basement from time to time.




of course everyone wanted us to play football because of our lifting prowess but I was always truly only interested in lifting weights and getting big and strong
