white potato v.sweet potato



Yesterday, I bought a ten pound bag of russet potatoes as I was tiring of white rice. It was on sale so what the hell, grab a bag and see how it goes. One thing I was noticing with white rice is that i was still hungry after eating, but the hunger subsided about 30-45 minutes later. Dolf had mentioned that sweet potatoes are more satisfying thus kicking hunger to the curb. I had all intentions in buying sweet potatoes, but the bargain hunting gene kicked in, so i got the russet potatoes. 

I decided to look into the difference between the two potatoes and came across a pretty good article that outlines the differences between the tubers, and of course i had to post what I found. Well, next time, it's going to be sweet potatoes for me. But, boiled not baked. Here's the link to the article :





"Hell, it ain't a bad place to be!"--Bon Scott

I can say russet potatoes work pretty good in comparison to white rice. Gonna boil them next time, but sweet potatoes next week. Gotta finish this 10 lb bag first, about 5-6 more days and it'll be polished off :p

Momma always said i don't listen good, shoulda listened...
