Yo New to the forum



Welcome hekt0re. We are the next generation of review sites where honest reviews and member respect is our motto. Our atmosphere is unlike other review sites, we vow to remain clique free and treat all our members with the respect they deserve. Creating a cycle log, interacting in forums, posting pictures, and leaving source reviews are a few of the ways you can earn karma.




Actually once.more take this to the si , page , your being very disrespectful to the mans thread , your not making no points here , and your also not telling us.nothing we didnt already know ,,, this is your fault you got scammed , sorry its a hard tome for you , but.its true , if you would have been active.on the most layed back site on the web , you would have been told , DONT ORDER , so if you want to be pissed at someone , be mad at your self , go give your self a good punch in the nuts. And wake up ,,,, LEARNING EXP. CHALK IT UP   now become a member and not a lurker , and if you would have done that to begin with , you would be getting that , beauitful test taste now ,,, sieg ,  and learn from this 



New member

Another one bites the dust..... this is what I was talking about, HOW ARE YOU GONNA GO AND ORDER WITHOUT RESEARCH? We're not being assholes but you have to PARTICIPATE!!!!!!!!!!!! Just like sieg said you're miasing that sweet taste all because you lurked, join the room and PARTICIPATE, and you wouldn't have gotten scammed, alot of legit sources on here, but if get to start page and pick a source how the fuk u gonna know its a scam? Sieg and the family said it best LESSON LEARNED!!!!!!!!!!
