Rules and Guidelines

  • Be Active in our Forums and earn Karma Points from the Admin and other members!
  • Selling illegal substances on is severely prohibited! Members not obeying the rules will be permanently BANNED!
  • Promoting or advertising banned substances ANYWHERE, except Promo sections on is strictly illegal.
  • Anyone registering multiple accounts on will be banned and deleted.
  • It is forbidden to act as a REPS for sources. That person will be severely penalized in case we found something odd and strange.
  • It is strictly forbidden to promote other review websites or forums.
  • No talk of DNP or SLIN in the forums!
  1. Registering:
      1. Please take into consideration that you can’t create multiple user accounts, otherwise you will be banned!
      2. Don’t create multiple accounts to vote and comment on the same source, otherwise you will be banned!
      3. Avoid using your real name, or anything that could reveal your identity in your username!
  2. Badges:
    Can’t Vote on Stars:
    1. TROLL – “Troll Badge” Karma -20 or lower.
    2. NEW – “New Badge” (remains 21 days, after new badge disappear).
    3. REG – “Regular User Badge” Karma -20 to +4.
    4. SR – “Source Representative Badge”.

    Can Vote on Stars:

      1. MOD – “Moderator Badge”.
      2. BRONZE – “Bronze Badge” Karma +5 to +49.
      3. SILVER – “Silver Badge” Karma +50 to +499.
      4. GOLD – “Gold Badge” Karma +500 to +999.
      5. GURU – “Guru Badge” Karma +1000 or higher.
      6. ADMIN – The BOSS of MuscleGurus.
  3. Karma:
    1. You will earn +1 karma for adding product and lab pictures in your review.
    2. You will earn +1 karma for adding pictures with you.
    3. You will earn +1 karma for adding a cycle.

    Thumbs Up/Down:

    1. MOD – “Moderator Badge”.
    2. These roles give 0 karma, but influence thumbs up/down:
      TROLL, REGULAR, BRONZE, SR (NEW can’t vote)
    3. SILVER gives +1 karma.
    4. GOLD gives +2 karma.
    5. GURU and MOD gives +3 karma.
  4. Writing Reviews:
    1. Source Reviews
      1. Only reviews are permitted on the Source Review page. Comments, different questions, customer support and other posts are not allowed and will be deleted!
      3. You may write a review if:
        1. You have received an order and used the products
        2. You have not received the order in advertised period of time.
      4. Do not plagiarize your review. Plagiarizing will result in your account being banned.
      5. No Source Advertizing! Don’t advertise/promote any websites in the source’s thread you are writing a review for.
      6. No Personal Information! Don’t write any tracking codes, names, addresses, emails and order ID’s are severely prohibited.
      7. No Payment Information! Don’t write any payment information regarding your order.
      8. A review must have at least 70 characters.
      9. Posting of shipping packaging if against the rules and not permitted. 
    2. Product Reviews:
      1. Only product reviews and talks are allowed in this thread, such as: side effects, effectiveness, your experience with the product and so on. Do not discuss any other products except the one in question.
    3. Lab Reviews:
      1. Labs scores represent the average of labs’ products score.
    4. Cycle Reviews:
      1. Only cycle reviews and talks are allowed in this thread, such as: products used, side effects, effectiveness, your experience with this cycle and so on. Do not discuss any other cycles except the one in question.
  5. Voting Procedure:
    1. Sources:
      1. The score on is calculated via Bayesian Estimator algorithm.
      2. If you got Free Samples from a source, you can write a review, but you CAN’T VOTE ON STARS, otherwise you will be banned.
      3. You’ll have to gain +5 karma to be able to vote on stars.
      4. You can Vote on Stars only after you have written a review.
    2. Products:
      1. The score on is calculated via Bayesian Estimator algorithm.
      2. Vote ONLY if you have had experience with a certain product!
      3. You can Vote on Stars only after you have written a review.
    3. Thumbs Up/ Thumbs Down Content:
      1. You will have to earn at least +5 karma, to be able to thumbs up/thumbs down content, however users with lower karma can influence the thumbs up/down.
      2. Vote any content that you have found useful, helpful and reward that author with the ‘thumbs up’ button.
      3. Please, respect any opinion in case you disagree with someone’s view on certain products or sources.
      4. ‘Karma whoring’ will be strictly punished!
  6. Adding New Content:
    1. Adding a Source – We encourage everyone to add new sources.
    2. Adding a Lab – We encourage everyone to add new Labs.
    3. Adding a Product – We encourage everyone to add new products.
    4. Adding Pictures – You can add only your own product/lab/self pictures.
    5. For adding a product/lab picture you have to write a review and submit your pics in that review.

    6. Adding News – You are allowed to add news related only to these topics: steroid, bodybuilding and fitness.
    7. Posting in Forums:
      1. Don’t advertise any products, sources or personal sources in the forum!
      2. Don’t post any promos/coupons in the forum!
      3. Don’t write any Source Reviews in the forum!
      4. Don’t copy paste articles from other websites’ forums or blogs on Only unique content is allowed in our forum, keep being original. In case you find worth news or articles, post a short description with a link to the original article in the News Section.
      5. Don’t offence other’s points of view.
  7. Friends and PMs:
    1. The selling of Anabolic Steroids and other performance enhancing drugs via the private messaging system is not permitted on MuscleGurus. Members not obeying the rules will be permanently BANNED!

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