Review Detail

Steroids M mdntramble
(Updated: November 30, -1)
Overall rating
Product Quality
Pricing & Offers
Ordering Process
Delivery & Packaging
Customer Service

Customer Support & Ordering Process

Sometimes takes couple days for email responses but always gets back with me within 48 hours.

Delivery (T/A) & Packaging

3-5 days, once about 12 days.

Products Ordered

Test Prop, Sust 250, NPP, Dbol tablets and injectable. Anavar. I once read someone else tested the anavar and but was Dbol. But never myself tested.

Product Effects

I’ve tried a handful of sources usually from other people handling the order process. But m. while living in south Florida, and a friend introduced me this source and never had any bad experiences, little pip being my fault I do Subq. Injection and just became too much didn’t rotate spots much. I know I can feel the lower back discomfort from Anavar and Dbol, but also the pumps, I’ve responded great to the Test Prop, and sus250. Strength and size both. The test prop, NPP Dbol injectable I quickly went from 198 to 212. I know it works, clothes start to get smaller and people basically call me out, on the changes in size and strength. I am blessed with good genetics and again can’t speak to the dosing and if it’s accurate, high or low, or even what’s on the label. But I can say it’s not been garbage products or any headaches in my dealings with them. Also sends tracking info immediately. Just my experience. I’ve heard good and bad on them though.


Only tried handful of products but have had results from each and solid communication. Almost scared to post seems A lot are quick to say I just be affiliated or fake. Just giving my experience and wonder bad anyone else tried? Thanks

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