Review Detail

Steroids A admin

As a first time user, changing from Prohormones, to this gear is a real game changer for me. Weight, energy, and strength have gone up. From the plateau I was stuck at with my last cycle of prohormones, this gave me what I needed to get past it.

These guys are great people to say the least. They took the time to help educate me about what is recommended as a first time user. Upon doing my own research and evaluating what was explained to me, I took their recommendation and started small. I've been injecting 500mg/wk with test, and taking 60 mg/ED dianabol. I not only kept the weight from the prohormones, I have gained more, as well as more strenght and more energy. I would highly recommend ordering from these guys. They made me feel more secure about ordering and product from them. I had been wanting to step up my game for some while, and with the recent ban of prohormones where I am, it forced me to look for other products to use for the gym. Not know much and asking around, I always was told "I don't have time to explain things". Mark was the only one who helped me about what to use. They are serious about what they do, but very thoughtful with potential customers. They gave me links and suggestions about pinning and other useful information. Because this is my first time injecting, I can't give an accurate summary of PIP because of virgin muscle, although I can say that to me, it has been very minimal. There was some discomfort at first because of the above reasons, but after the first week, injecting became much smoother and PIP was virtually non-existent. I have much more confidence in what I'm doing and know that if I have any questions, or concerns, They will be there to help me. Timing is the only thing that is tricky. There is a 12-hour difference, so I have to time when I want to have a live chat. Otherwise, I can email and will receive a response within 24 hours. Looking forward to ordering again.
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