Review Detail

Steroids A anasteroids
(Updated: November 30, -1)
Overall rating
Product Quality
Pricing & Offers
Ordering Process
Delivery & Packaging
Customer Service

Customer Support & Ordering Process

The ordering process is very easy and the customer service is top notch. They will help you throughout the entire order and if you have any questions about anything they get back to you immediately!

Delivery (T/A) & Packaging

Packaging is always very tight and secure. There is no way you would ever know what the products are that are inside of the package. Everything is always sealed up super tight and never any damage.

Products Ordered

Test e250
Injectable winstrol

Product Effects

I have used his test e250 for over 5 years now and it is always the same, it is always perfect! There is no pip and I have used it in very high doses as well as for trt. No hard side effects, just what is to be expected shiny or oily skin maybe a little bit of acne and on really high doses you might feel a little bit lethargic. The D-bol is also great and one of my favorites for bulking and I have used his oral tablets several times! They definitely make me hold some water but really good strength gains! The Cialis does what is expected and always works and also is good for your pump and vascularity while training. The arimidex is good and always keeps me protected against any estrogen issues but I have to take it with food in my stomach or it will make me feel tired and a little bit nauseous sometimes.


I have been with the same supplier for over 5 years now and I don't even look for other suppliers anymore at all. I am a faithful customer because I have never had any negative issues with any of his products ever. Everything I have ever received from this supplier is authentic and genuine real products. He even has testing products if you are not sure about his products or any products from any other supplier you can get testing products from him to show whether or not they are genuine authentic products or not.

Do you recommend this supplier?

Yes, I do!
Rep: 11
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