Review Detail

Steroids A apl

I've ordered tons and tons of item from APL in the past and will continue to order much, much more. The man is honest and upfront. Replies very quickly, longest a pack took was 3 days. He answers all questions and is quite hilarious. His prices are fair and his quality is unrivaled. 



Items ordered:

Sust 350, Test E&C, Anavar, Npp, Cut blend II, cut blend III, Dbol, Anadrol, Winstrol, Proviron, All in one pct, Tren E, Deca, Masteron E, Arimidex, Aromasin 


The deca, cut stack II, tren e, all in one pct, dbol and Anavar. Those were for my friend. He loved them. And will continue to order more. 


The first cycle I ran from him was 10 weeks:
Sust 350 at 700mg a week
Npp at 300mg a week
Masteron E 300mg a week
Winny at 50mg ed
Aromasin 12.5 mg Ed (moved to 25mg ed)

I leaned out like never before. Was trying to lean out maybe add a few pounds. It was my first cycle in a year or so. I got down to 9.5% bf and added about 5lbs. Which is awesome for me I'm barely 5'7 inches tall with cowboy boots on. I topped out at 196. I initially wanted to bulk but instead decided to cut when I saw the 'Ol abs getting veins on them. I was eating 2700-3000 cals during this time.

Second cycle was 12 weeks:
300mg test (bumped to 350mg week 8)
Npp I ramped up every 4 weeks
350mg 4 weeks
400mg 4 weeks
500mg 4 weeks
Winny 50mg ed 4 weeks
Mast e 300mg

I like keeping test low. I have way less sides and I let the other compounds do all the work. I felt fine all through the cycle. Sex drive was normal. Never an issue. Test went to 350mg week ten due to me using the blend. Maintained vascularity even on a surplus of 800cals. Some of which was junk food. Moved houses during this time so I gave myself that excuse to not cook. Gained about 15 pounds, 4 weeks after being off am only down 4 pounds. Strength was insane. Joints felt like they were constantly lubed which is what I like about npp. I looked like I constantly had a pump. Strength was crazy, endurance was crazy. Stayed around 15% bf on average. His npp is the closest thing to tren there is without having any sides. Best npp I've ever used. 500mg of npp is my sweet spot. A week after I hit 500mg I got even more comments about my fullness and size, strength continued to go up as well. Hunger increased a bit as well which is nice on a bulk. There was also zero pip with close to two cc in my quad.

Overall he's an awesome source. One of the best I've ever encountered. I've had bloods pulled but unfortunately I don't have the blood work to post anymore. But I've been doing this a while and his gear is spot on. Better than the watson cyp I get from my dr.
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