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Steroids A apl
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As a rookie to the world of gear I came to Musclegurus to find the best advice and the best source and I have found it in APL. They process my orders and deliver very quickly. 

I have been running 400 mg of Test P per week, 50 mg of Anavar daily, and 12.5 mg Aromasin every 3rd day.

I'm using DEXA body scans to track my progress every 2nd month and I just got the results from my second scan. In the past two months I have lost 3% body fat, 10 pounds of pure fat of which 2 pounds was sub-q fat, and gained a total of 7 pounds of lean mass. All of this while dealing with a hurricane and the effects after the hurricane (not perfect diet, and no place to work out for a couple of weeks.)

The gear is so good that I will continue to order exclusively through APL until they tell me to leave them alone.

The effects of the products have been nothing but spectacular in my opinion. Not only have I lost a significant amount of fat in a relatively short amount of time I have also gained muscle rather quickly. The only issues I've had have been minor. With one of the vials of Test P I had significant and long lasting PIP but with the other two vials of Test P I've used there was no PIP. Another side effect has been the standard...acne. Back on the positive, my libido is through the roof and my wife is wishing I'd leave her alone for a bit. I've had rapid increases in my strength and of course the rapid increase in confidence that comes with it.
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