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APL any idea when TNE will be back?

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Sorry Devil Dog, but I’m done with anything labor intensive until the new site is up. I’ve watched too many 30 minute posts dissapear lately. Grrrrrrrr

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Ordered Test Cyp, Test Prop, Equipoise, Armidex, Anadrol & Dianabol. Everything was delivered quickly and the packaging was discrete. I've been on this cycle for 45 days and am very happy with the results. Communication was good. Payment instructions were clear with no issues. I'll be ordering from them again shortly.

I've noticed an increase in strength as well as size. Something I had been looking for that's for sure. Wasn't having an issue with desires far as wanting sex but now I can't get enough. My strength has doubled and my cycle isn't half over. It's nice to be able to lift big again. I had lost so much size and strength over the past 19 months I considered quitting. I'm order for test in a few weeks. I don't off cycle test and only cycle twice a year although I've been off for two years I'm back again and pushing it hard. I've tried so many other sources but never received my order. If I did it took a couple months.
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I think I understand why he is quiet.. I love the guy as a person. The fact that he brews and presses incredible gear is a super bonus.. Plus, The dude loves dogs : )

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We would have loved to have read that cycle log! You are a selfish little bitch. ;))) In the future remember some of us are recovering users and strict TRT and need to live vicariously through our MG pals. 

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Just finishing up week 16 of my bulk, all APL. Wildly successful. Waiting until the new site is up to post a review!

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A lot of you know APL better than I, but how do they do it?! All I can imagine it's APL has figured out how to control time and space to make such fast delivery's. Or maybe they are a bunch of little muscular gnomes cranking out gear day and night so it can ship out right away. 

Ordered early Friday and it made landfall in my box today! I'm not going to even start my next cycle until the new year so it's not like I was in a hurry for the stuff. 

Thanks a lot APL! Now in have to try and control myself for the next month and try to stay out of my stash so I can keep with my overall plan!

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I thought the first time we had those cool convos that he was full of crap & was just being cool to get my business lol... it wasn’t long before I really knew he was different & he was just being cool to me cause that’s who he is. If we haven’t talked in awhile, we pick up like we had talked everyday still.

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I remember tearing apl's ass up his first day here for violating the rules! He pm'd me with an apology, and a few pm's back and forth I knew this guy was gonna be special! 

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He’s not changed at all since he’s been here besides being too quiet lol.... his gear & customer service is 2nd to none

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Once again... ordered Wed. last week. Fulfilled my part on Thurs. Early morn. At my door on Sat.. My current cycle is all APL and its going very well....  I owe a review..

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You got that right!! ;)

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What's up man!! Youre right his stuff is all on point. Those anadrol tabs are no joke!

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Hey what’s up brother? Good to see ya over here:). You definitely can’t go wrong with APL!! I’ve run everything but his Trest I think & it’s always on point!

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I actually bought tons of it. Npp is one of my top 3 favorite compounds. His is second to none. Its such a versatile compound, I've run it as a cutter at 300mg and got down to 8% body fat (used calipers) and ran it at 500mg and still remained lean while gaining about 10-12 lbs. The blend has zero pip for me. I pinned my pecs which were a virgin muscle and I could hardly tell. 2cc in each quad is painless as well. Ive used an eod injection schedule and e3d schedule as well. Anyways I'll quit rambling on about it. If you have any questions feel free to ask. I'm not an expert, but I have ran it enough to be familiar with It. 

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I am not a huge fan of blends but this one was very well thought out and the concentrations make sense. Good luck with your future cycle..... stay strong!

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Thanks Semper, appreciate it and will do. I am just looking for any feedback I can get from someone how has run it.

This whole thing is actually kind of funny. I'm looking to do a quick 8 week cycle of Test P and NPP as separate oils when I just happened to notice APL has almost exactly what I was looking for. Considering I've used and reviewed APL's products before and was very happy I don't have any issues trying this mix.

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Ask Dolf.... he was a big part of making this blend happen. I have not used it but I have no concerns about quality of any of APL's product line.

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Anyone tried APL's cut stack III? Test PH & NPP. I'm thinking about trying it for my next cycle and looking for any feedback on this product from people.

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i took advantage of the Black Friday deals!! I can’t wait to try APLs line! I’ve read nothing but good things!!
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  i took advantage of the Black Friday deals!! I can’t wait to try APLs line! I’ve read nothing but good things!!

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Black Friday deals!

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Excellent source.  Extremely professional.  Products wrapped and labeled nicely.  Shipping was incredibly fast.

I ran a test and tren cycle from June through August of this year. Ordered some PCT and Aromasin from this source. Aromasin was excellent. Puffiness in nipples and water bloat subsided after one week of 12.5mg every day. I received no sides from this product and zero decrease in strength. Aromasin tends to work well with me and this particular brand did not fail. Energy stayed high and pumps at the gym were great. This was some high quality Aromasin and 12.5mg every day was plenty for 750mg/week of test and another 500mg/week of tren.

For PCT I ran this source's "standard PCT" which is a combination pill of 50mg Clomid and 20mg Nolvadex. I ran this for a month and then continued on this source's Nolvadex for another month thereafter. I couldn't believe how solid I felt throughout PCT. My energy never decreased. In fact, my libido stayed strong which is normally the first thing to go during PCT for me. I had no sides for the Clomid or Nolvadex. Appetite didn't decrease, never felt tired. Naturally, my strength eventually came down toward the end of PCT as there was no more tren in my system. But I still feel good now and I can tell me natural test levels are going strong. My current performance at the gym is much better after this cycle as compared to previous cycles.
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I am not one for writing reviews, time consuming and usually not helpful but after my experience with APL I think I can take a few moments out of my day to write them a review.

First off, let me just say I am an old gear head from way back. 40 now, but used gear throughout my 20's and completed in various local level BB competitions. I was away from the iron game for a handful of years but got back into it seriously about 5 years ago (family and owning a business comes first). Just this past summer I got back into gear to help my long term prep for a local show I am commuting to do next year.

With that out of the way, now for the specifics:

Honestly, I am not even sure how I found APL. I think i may have stumbled across this site first and then found them, or the other way around but regardless I am glad I did. Ordering was simple as can be and the T/A was ridiculously fast on the few orders I placed. I think the longest anything took to reach me was 4 days. Communication was quick for as little as was needed. I did have a question about the TNE at one point and he responded within 24 hours. You can't ask for more than that!

Overall, this is a review for APL's Test E, TNE, Turinabol, Aromasin, Arimadex, Sildenafil and what was their Clomid/Nolvadex combo (which APL has since discontinued)

Packaging was tight and the product is very professional in appearance. Pills look like they are off a top level tablet press and snap cleanly apart when you only want 1/2 a dose. Even the Aromasin is a 4x bar so you can break it down to a 6.25mg dose if needed. Vials always came in tightly wrapped, never had a broken one, and we very professional put together. I did have one Test E vial come in a little short compared to the others, maybe one or two ml's or so. Not a worry but it was short enough that I noticed it immediately when all the vials were together (I then weighed them just to confirm, and it was short). This was honestly not a issue for me, I had more than enough on hand for the cycle - I learned a long time ago to always get more than you need. I do hope APL see this though. As a business owner myself, I know I always want to know of any issues regardless of whether or not it was really an inconvenience to the customer. (you can't fix anything if you don't know it's broke).

Oils were smooth. No immediate PIP, only pain I ever had was the usual day after soreness after the first pins in a new area. A "Virgin muscle after so many years" kind of thing. After that first pin it was smooth sailing, I was never stiff after an injection. Also, I was pleasantly surprised by how thin the oil was. I even switched early on from a 23G to a 25G thin-wall (my wife is in the medical field so supplies are not a problem) and pushing the oil was never an issue. This is definitely a major plus in my book - No one like to feel like a pin cushion!


I ran an old school, 12 week cycle (that I extend to 14 because of a bad hand injury that put me out of the gym for 2-1/12 weeks):

Test E: 500mg/week 1-14
T-Bol: 50mg/ED kick-start week 1-6
Arimadex started at .5 then up to 1mg/EoD after blood work
Switched to Aromasin after week 6: blood test showed very elevated LDL levels. Ended up at a full 25mg/EoD
PCT Clomid/Nolvadex combo was run for 6 weeks before ending based on bi-weekly blood work.

Overall results have been great! By the end of the cycle I was up 25 pounds and strong as an ox! In the three months since the cycle I am still up a consistent 15 pounds over my previous weight. Strength is still there, but overall energy is definitely down. This is nothing I didn't already expect from my past experiences. Usual sides during the cycle too. Crazy teenage level libido and appetite. Acne was more serious than I would initially have anticipated but for a cycle as long as 14 weeks, I guess I can't really complain - we all know sides aren't just dose dependent but also duration-of-use dependent. (Maybe APL can start supplying Accutane!)

Overall, I had a great cycle and starting to plan for the next..

Additionally, I also had TNE and Sildenafil. Both of these were actually fillers to reach my order minimum when I switched to Aromasin but the Sildenafil was fun (my wife sure liked it). It actually help me out in the gym on leg days at 25mg to keep blood pressure down. (I also found I didn't really need it much during my PCT - a good and bad thing depending on how you look at it).

The TNE I'm still on the fence about. I never used it in the past but always want to try it pre-workout. I gave it a chance on numerous occasions during the cycle at 100mg a couple of hours before lifting and didn't feel I noticed anything different. This isn't to say it's under dosed or anything. It may be that because of the Test-E, the expected additional aggression was just masked. Maybe there is a maximum iron aggression threshold. Because of this theory, I want to try it off cycle and see if I notice anything (I just wanted to wait until my PCT was done so noting interfered with HPTA recovery). I will be sure to do another review in the future on the TNE alone.

Again, nothing but good things to say about APL. I wish there were things they did supply, and hopefully their selection grows as they do. If it doesn't, it's still no big deal. You can't be all things to all people and I will always buy what I can from them in the future.

And to anyone reading this, I definitely recommend you give APL a shot.
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You never have to worry about him. Put the order in. once donation is sent 3 days later you have your gear... Each and every time..

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He was here a few days ago.

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Anyone heard from APL?

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Good to see your name back up on the rankings broski!

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my experience with aol was very professiona, pleasant and very quick to receive my products. I ordered 4 vials of test e 250 and a bottle of winstrol 50. I had ordered test e 250 from another supplier and it didn't fully test positive for the hormone properly though the tren did and the masteron did test positive. So I obviously was frustrated and didn't want to start my bulk without my test base so I read some more reviews and decided to try apl for my test base. His gear tested positive so I was good to go for my cycle. I am kinda sure the other guys test may be good too since the other gear was good but I had to be sure. I may just use the other test that tested iffy for my 

cruise. But anyways I'm 12 weeks into a 18 week bulk. I started at 195 at 11% bfistanding at 5'10". I'm now 215 after 12 weeks at 12%bfI. I ran apl test at 500-600 mg per week and tren at 325-400 mg a week with 4 Chloe's at 75 mg per day for a kickstarter and 50 mg of winstrol orals for the first 8 weekS. Now switching to mastering at 350 a week for the remainder of the last 6 weeks. I have had near o no side in gyro from the test and no prolactin from test though ive use dex and caber sparinlY. apl gear had no pip at all. Best vials I've ever seen in years. I recieved my gear in 3 days was packed tight and clean. I will return as a repeat customeR. I told him his site wasn't up on muscle gurus the other day and bow I'm glad to see ur back pal. I wasn't going to re prefer if I couldn't put up a review to share cause I feel that's important in the community of us powerlifters and bodybumolders like myself. I will be re ordering soon for my cut. Thanks Apl
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It’s business as usual with our boy APL. Had some extra bread so I decided to go ahead and stock up for the spring cutter. I can think of few things that get me as excited as opening up a pack and gazing upon golden bottles of APL’s Tren. It shows you how spoiled we are when I get sad that it took three days to get my order this time over the Halloween holiday. Top notch as always. Spring can’t get here quick enough!

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