Review Detail

Steroids J jimmy-big002
(Updated: November 30, -1)

Customer Support & Ordering Process

Customer support does its best in order to answer all your questions quickly and clearly. In addition, it has wide knowledge about proper dosage and administration period of the bought preparations. Ordering process is instinctive, but if you experience some difficulties with it, you can always ask for help from the consultants.

Delivery (T/A) & Packaging

I am situated in London, UK. I received my order in 10 days after finishing the order. My tablets were packed in their original box. They were put in a cardboard envelope.

Products Ordered


Product Effects

I have experienced only increased heart rate from the possible sides. My course duration was 8 weeks. I have been increasing the dosage every few days. My body was recovering faster than ever. At the end of the course my deadlift maximal PR increased with 50kg, bench press with 30kg and squats with 45kg. In addition, the surfeit of fat has been burnt from problematic areas: abs and legs. Consequently, my muscle mass became more defined. Moreover, I had an incredible libido.


Balkan Pharmaceuticals is an online store with a huge variety of medical preparations which are used in various domains of sport: bodybuilding, powerlifting, crossfit, MMA. It has a straight connection with the manufacturer, Balkan Pharmaceuticals and SP Laboratories, which guarantees that you will receive high-quality products at the most advantageous prices. Well-known fabric from Europe, Balkan Pharmaceuticals and SP Laboratories is providing injectable steroids, oral steroids, fat-burners, aromatase inhibitors, hormones, supplements and post-cycle therapies. These preparations will definitely increase your endurance, power and muscle mass. In addition they may well help everybody to burn effectively overabundance of fat in problematic areas. The site has operative and kind consultant which will answer all your questions about any product, which will be delivered in the shortest terms to your address.

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