Review Detail

Steroids S swampdonkey
(Updated: November 30, -1)

Customer Support & Ordering Process

I ordered on June 9th (6 bottles of t400) and today is June 15. I still haven't received my order as its not even shipped yet. Customer support is poor, I emailed them multiple times and they only respond once and they mentioned my order will ship today (june15),but still hasn't. At this point I don't even know if they are ligit website or not. I don't wanna judge them to early but based on what they say it shouldn't take longer than 1 to 3 days for order to get shipped, clearly this hasn't been the case. Im still waiting till they get in touch with me and lemme know about what's happening with my order. It's just wrong that they could have a loyal customer but they don't even send what u order. Its interesting that they got the payment right away but after that they don't really respond to you. I usually put in a big order every month and I was planning to use them as my source but I'm doubting it know. I let you guys know if and by when I will be receiving my order.

Delivery (T/A) & Packaging

Haven't received it yet

Products Ordered

Legacy T400 (buy 5 one for free)

Product Effects

Haven't used it yet but I heard it's a reliable product and lab.


Still haven't received my order and they don't have a good customer support. Don't even know what's happening to my order.

Do you recommend this supplier?

No, I do not!
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