Review Detail

Steroids D decatest

I found Decatest in some web review sites like Muscle Gurus and was very happy check the large range, good prices/labs available.

Communication/Support are excellent as they make themselves available to answer any queries about their products/orders very promptly.

I made several orders and I must say that every single order has been dispatched promptly, arrived in 1/2 days firmly wrapped and discreet.
According to each order they are able to offer free deliveries and freebies.

Decatest is trustworthy and friendly, very recommendable.

All the products (Alpha Pharma and Malay Tiger) are legit and have been producing the desirable effects.

The testosterone (e+c) are giving me an amazing sense of well being, huge sex drive, great performance on my workouts and smooth recovery. I use it 1ml/EOD.

The Dianabol (50mg/ED) and Anadrol (150mg/ED) are making me just huge and stronger! I'm not getting fat/water bloated but leaner. Naturally my diet/water intake are the bases of it. I would say that these batches of Malay Tiger orals are a must!

The Winstrol will be used from the beginning of next month (100mg/ED). I have used it before several times and I know for a fact it will do wonders.
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