Review Detail FeaturedHot
Steroids D driada-medical
(Updated: November 30, -1)

Customer Support & Ordering Process

Easy to order ,fast answer evry time

Delivery (T/A) & Packaging

evry time no more than eight days to the door. Packaging safe

Products Ordered

Cut stack, primo, var,halo,t3,sdrol and viagros

Product Effects

Evry products do the job but im very impressed with halo and cut stack


I have already ordered twice with them. A first to test their service and their products and a second for a complete cycle. I have already tried stakos (cut mix) primo, var, t3 halo and viagros (it helps in preparation). all their products do the job without exception, no pain even with 3ml injections, the oil is fluid. the service is top every contact is fast, the guys are top.expedition 48h max after validation, delivery in europe 1st order 5 days 2nd 8 days at the door.

Do you recommend this supplier?

Yes, I do!
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