Review Detail FeaturedHot
Steroids D driada-medical
(Updated: September 25, 2023)

Customer Support & Ordering Process

The customer support was realy good , they kept sending me daily emails to keep me updated aboit my order and they gave me a tracking link that was working as intented ,overall it was realy proffessional 100% will order again

Delivery (T/A) & Packaging

The packaging was complety intact no damage , the packaging was well secured it took only 8 days for my order to get there so its pretty good

Products Ordered

Clenbuterol 40mcg/100tabs

Product Effects

It worked realy well as intended 100% legit i used 40mcg the first week and now im in the middle of the 2nd week and i already lost 2.5kg without any major change to my diet (im trying to eat clean) so far i feel way like i have way more energy heart rate is a bit higher than usual but nothing to worry about i have trouble staying asleep at night but that was already an issue before starting clen , pumps in the gym feels insane never had any better pump felt like another person , didnt notice any significant strenght increase yet but i can pump out a few more reps with the same weight as usual just be carefull with caffeine i took 600mg of caffeine at once while on 40mcg of clen and my blood pressure went to around 154/85 for a couple hours and it didnt happen again as i stopped caffeine completely.


Overall this is the most reliable and and professional website on the market the products are cheap i litteraly paid only 20euros for my clen (without shipping but still) and they give you points to use to pay cheaper the next time you order so i placed another clen order and i costed only 10,70 euros thats incredible honestly i only tried their product are good , works realy well as intented and they provide lab testings to prouve that their products are good , the delivery time good too only 8 days , so overall i realy recommend this website and will only be buying from them from now on ( order #319024 )

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