Review Detail
Steroids E epharma
(Updated: November 30, -1)

Customer Support & Ordering Process

I've been ordering product from Epharma for almost a year. I also order for at least 20 other people. Between my gains and everybody else's gains and experience, this is COMPLETELY the best product on this market. I've been in the game for years and I've been through a lot of vendors....Mexico included. Epharma is by far the best product on the market. It's made with MCT Coconut Oil. That's the best thing you can put in your body. If it's not made with that, stay away from it. No acne, no pain. Just gains all the way around!! The customer service is second to NONE!! I've had a couple issues with shipping but not because of Epharma. The communication has completely been there on any issues and they always reply back like right now. I even had an order get lost and I thought I was gonna be out for over 7k. Epharma looked into it and made it completely right and resent my package. I couldn't be happier!! If you want a quality product and great customer service, it's right tf here....completely!!

Delivery (T/A) & Packaging

packaging was amazing and couldn't be better.

Products Ordered

I've ordered almost everything on the site for over 20 other people. The stuff that I've taken has been completely amazing and far better than any other product I've tried over the years. I'm currently taking Tren A, Test C, Sus, and Winstrol.

Product Effects

The effects are amazing. This is honestly what you want and exactly what you're gonna get with Epharma. It's made with the best stuff that you can put i to your body.


I give this company a 10 star review. They've been really good to me.....every single time!!

Do you recommend this supplier?

Yes, I do!
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