Review Detail

Steroids J juji
Great prices and fast shipping. Checkout was hassle free and there was no need to have to communicate with these guys. Products were shipped within 48 hours of purchasing and received 48 hours later. Packaging was discreet and the products were firmly secured in bubble wrap.

This was my first time using any sort of PED, and thus far I am pleased. I found the clen to be very effective. I started off slow (20 mg/day) and worked my way up (80 mg/day). Had the tremors for the first couple of weeks, but they went away. I enjoyed the clen so much I ordered a second bottle and I have now upped the dose to 100 mg/day and still do not experience any heavy tremors, but I do get really bad cramps at times if I do not hydrate properly. I am not sure if the T3 was effective as I did not get any blood work done, but I did not see any significant boost in metabolism once I started stacking it with the clen, so I did not opt to purchase another bottle. The Keto seemed to do its job of upregulating my beta-receptors but I did not purchase a second bottle because I found a cheaper alternative. Overall, I have lost approximately 8 pounds, leaned out significantly while keeping muscle and strength and increased vascularity.
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