Review Detail

Steroids H hgheuro-com
(Updated: November 30, -1)

Customer Support & Ordering Process

Very helpful and informative service. They get you what you ordered and want to help you. The website looks good and you can easily select your favorite product. It's as easy as it can be.

Delivery (T/A) & Packaging

There was the delay in shipping, but that was due to covid and carrier logistics. Delivery time might be higher, but that might depend on where you live. That's the only remark.

Products Ordered

Test - E and Omega Turinabol

Product Effects

I'm seeing progress by the day. I'm into my cycle now and I've already gained 15 lbs, by far the most potent gear I've used. Noticed my workout and level of confidence has increased! Have gotten so much stronger. This is the real deal.


They are always helpful and answer my questions immediately. I would highly recommend you to look up their site and do a small order and see for yourself. Good service that matches their quality products!

Do you recommend this supplier?

Yes, I do!
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