Review Detail FeaturedHot
Steroids I irondaddy
(Updated: November 30, -1)

Customer Support & Ordering Process

Customer service was top notch! They actually made a small mistake on my order sending me a slightly different item but once I brought it to their attention they were quick to fix the issue.

Delivery (T/A) & Packaging

Delivery was super fast, about 1 week shipping time. Packaging was discreet and item was well protected.

Products Ordered

Beligas-HP - NPP

Product Effects

Quality product, significant strength increase, helps with joint pain as well. Quality and 100% legit.


I've been ordering from irondaddy for a few years now. Their products are always top notch with super fast shipping. Recently they made a small mistake on one of my orders by sending a similar but different item than what I ordered (honest mistake), I brought it up to their customer service team and they fixed everything. I'm beyond satisfied with their service, they have my loyalty for life! Great company! Highly recommended! A+

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