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Steroids I irondaddy
Unable to edit my review below here is my update on the gear from daddyroids.

Daddyroids has delivered once again, superior product and service. I have ordered several times from them and never had any issues with them, they are polite and very fast responders to any questions.

Ok been on this cycle for now a month, here is the good and the bad.

Good: Insane gains, extremely noticeable gains in very short time, fat just burning off me like mad. recovery is so super fast, also no PIP after a few shots now I dont even feel the ache the day after at all 100% pain free.

Vascularity has increased intensely, in my arms and legs its just insane. work outs are lasting a lot longer then I have ever been able to do though I take a few breaks between and eat a bit.

Bad: Insane sweats, very little effort and I sweat like mad, after eating carbs I burn up I feel like someone turned on the heater to broil and just sweat. never had issue sweating while eating before. Insomnia is a constant issue, don't think you wont have any issues sleeping trust me you will on tren. I had to get some sleeping pills just to get some sleep. Also my urine is definitely darker and stronger smell.

I am on 250mg Tren every 3rd day, and 500mg Test, I have not experienced any Acne on my face, shoulders, chest or back. Probably due to the 2 showers a day I take and the cleanser I use, better safe then sorry.

Definitively a uptick in hunger, feed the beast.

I have noticed a uptick on my aggression, but not a bad way just more stern in my decisions and not letting people get away with stuff I would normally just let go by.

I have not noticed any anxiousness or jittery feeling or paranoia at all.

Cabergoline I ordered I still haven't used any of it, I bought it for precaution just in case I got itchy nipples or some kinda prolactin gyno, but yet to see any of it, some people are susceptible to it some are not.

I do take a bit of Letrozole every 3rd day to keep estrogen levels in check.
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