Review Detail FeaturedHot
Steroids J
(Updated: November 30, -1)

Customer Support & Ordering Process

Ordering was fine and easy - not the best when it came to the reason why i was given different product from what i paid for

Delivery (T/A) & Packaging

packaging was as expected, had it double wrapped. - was given different items in place of what i actually paid for

Products Ordered

Evo Pharma Primo
Evo Pharma Test prop

Product Effects

The Evo primo is bunk I'm sure. i dont know what it could be at that price.
The test prop is fine I think, but probably not the dose it claims on the bottle as a UGL


I didn't even get the right brand I paid for and I paid more money to get the cheaper product. It was 2 seperate products given a different cheaper brand for.
To have paid for multiples of the item he switched out, I lost out on $100 almost worth of product I paid for.
Nothing was done to rectify the situation, just "I prefer this brand over that one" was the response.
If you didn't have the product, the professional thing to do is to refund the money back or add in extras of many other things to make up the cost-difference. I haven't put another order in since and I'm concerned as if the gear is even really real or accurate on the labels.

Do you recommend this supplier?

No, I do not!
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