Review Detail FeaturedHot
Steroids K kinglabs
(Updated: November 30, -1)

Customer Support & Ordering Process

Customer support is a hit or a miss. Sometimes the person on the other end of the email replies like a decent human and other times he replies like you just asked to fuck his wife. Very moody. Not a people person.

Ordering process is easy and simple. Just try to avoid questions or any unnecessary talking.

Delivery (T/A) & Packaging

Delivery is fast 3-5days. Packaging is good. Never once had broken vials.

Products Ordered

TestE/TrenE 200
Test susp
Masterson Prop
Sust 250

Product Effects

First couple of orders had no problems at all and gear was good to go. Felt great and saw results. Then it slowly faded. My Test/Tren blends came in lighter color than before. 1 or 2 dark tren color then the rest looked like just Test. Noticed a dip in my energy levels and results kind of tampered off like I was off cycle. Deff underdosed or incorrect product. Sold some of the vials off to a buddy. He got a bad infection in the injection site. Saw multiple floaters in the oil. Brushed it off and thought maybe he just fucked up. Then it happened to me. Prepped my syringe with oil in it the night before for the morning. Next morning I looked at the oil and saw white flakes floating around. Tossed it away. Dirty gear, brewed lazily, and not worth it. Cheap for a reason. On a other note, the THC carts are okay.


Had decent quality in the beginning but fell victim to greed. Gear got shitty and brewed filtered poorly. Underdosed dirty gear. Why risk it hoping your order is legit and clean when you can find a more reliable source. In this game, dirty gear is game over. Quality is inconsistent. Started to google and research them after so many shitty vials. Lead me here. Thats why the account is new. Hoping to spread the word.

Do you recommend this supplier?

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