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Steroids P pct-shop-com

  I have had great customer service from PCT-SHOP.  The owner is amicable, prompt in his replies, and knowledgeable about each item he carries. They have in stock a complete range of products,  Brand Name Ancilliaries and impressively priced Pharma Grade HGH.   PCT gear runs the gamut makes it's own line of every oil and oral one can hope to find as well as some rare none esterified forms of in suspension and oil form.  They also carry the full spectrum of Alpha Pharm oils and orals.  Prices are very good and I purchased Norditropin Simplexx 45 iu in a batch of four and both forms of PCT MASTERON,  TREN ENANTHATE and Primobolan Depot with Test Enanthate.  I have run and tested each except for the shorter acting Masteron. I felt great on them and won my class at a National qualifer. I would not hesitate to recommend them and will shop there again.

Definetly full strength, love the Norditropin, MASTERON and TREN. A veteran user, no sides out of the ordinary. Won my Show, so very pleased. I was dieting, Test, TREN MASTERON for eight weeks, slowly replaced the Test with Primo, and reduced the TREN as contest approached. Ran 2,4,6,4 iu's of Norditropin. Peaked early and cut the Norditropin 10 days out. Gear was nearly painless, TREN gave me some trouble with insomnia which I am used to. Ran a lower dose of Test E, 300 mgs. With TREN at 400 and MASTERON at 500. T3 and Novolog, purchased beforehand evened out Norditropin effects. Price on 45 IU Norditropin Simplexx was $130. Alternatively, 72 iu's Humatrope is $250 I believe, and the Phizer and Omni's are similarly priced. This was a great opportunity to go with Pharma Grade HGH, without the need to take out a second Mortgage. All told, I spent less than a grand on a twelve week prep and got into the shape of my life. TREN was 200 mg for $65, MASTERON E 200 $55, Primo 100 $60 and TEST E $40. So three bottles of MASTERON E ran $165 and That was the only one I went up to 3 bottles on. Got a discount and came in under 1K. As good as any other gear I've tried going back to the 90's.
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