Review Detail

Steroids P pepshop

As Always, Pepshop biz is amazing! Their pricing, speed of shipping and on time customer emails are always friendly and fast, so I keep coming back.

Please see my review on the D-hacks product on this page. It's good for bodybuilding/fat loss but doesn't have as good of medical effects it was designed for.

My 3rd orderJust an update on the EFFECTS of D-hacks T3 vs Alpha Pharma. Now in the past, I noted that the Alpha Pharma reduced my goiter/thyroid mass from 3/8-5/8" down to just under 1/4 inch. The price of that was much higher, about double of D-hacks so I gave D-hacks a try. The effects for body heat were the same but the thyroid mass returned to it's size before I took any T3. Now bodybuilders only interested in the fat loss effects probably won't care, but to me this had an effect so I will go back to Alpha Pharma.

The pill itself was a diamond shaped pill. This is Ok I guess, but it's a bit harder to manage a pre-split pill that is round or square. The actual textuer of the D-hacks is what's important though. Alpha Pharma while easily absorbed under the tongue, this one does not and is probably buffered with corn starch or something. You must swallow this pill with water. Again, probably for your purposes it's moot.

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