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Steroids P Pompsplace
(Updated: November 30, -1)

Customer Support & Ordering Process

I am new to MG, but I have been ordering from Pomp's for several years. Pomp always is quick to respond and the ordering process is EASY!

Delivery (T/A) & Packaging

Turn around time is always quick!! Thr only delays I've ever had have been because of the postal service, not because of Pomp. Packaging is secure, no issues there at all.

Products Ordered

XT Anavar/XT Primo/XT Test Base/XT GW501516/XT Clenbuterol/XT Tren Hex/Aslan Tbol/Aslan Anavar/Aslan Tren Hex

Product Effects

So far I have only started the Aslan Anavar and XT Tren Hex along with my TRT Test. The Anavar is strong, strength is up, hardening up already and I'm only running 30mg a day. Tren Hex dose is very low, starting to feel some mild side effects that are common with this compound and between it and the anavar I'm slowly leaning out with no other changes in diet or training.


With the amount of products and quality brands that Pomp stocks, there is no reason to buy elsewhere. It seems that Pomp is adding another top tier lab almost daily. I just saw that Odin Pharma is now on their site, that is awesome and gives me another option for my next order.

Do you recommend this supplier?

Yes, I do!
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